Anime Festival Asia 2011
The event that all otakus are bound to look forward to........... Anime Festival Asia!!! Its here once again, held on 11th november 2011, nice date eh. Its begins on a friday and last till sunday, a 3 days event. However, the event only officially begins on saturday. On friday, booths and merchandise are not yet ready to showcase to the public. Well, and it turns out i went on saturday morning! I bought the $18 ticket, which includes entrance to both the exhibition hall and the stage show, quite a worth deal! Last year's AFA, i went in with knowledge of only 2 lengthy animes (Naruto/Bleach). Spend a year of catching up with other anime's, this year's AFA definitely strike me good!!
Photos-wise, it arent as sufficient as the 2 events i went previously (STGCC and Cosfest). Merchandise, i took quite a number of it (Y). Cosplayers, not as many photos. Crowd banging each other, cosplayers running around, its really hectic. IF ONLY there werent so many people, which is kind of impossible. Anyway, enough of trash talk, lets start off with some photos~!

Mirai.....seems interesting. A new anime? Or some kind of programmed singer like miku? I seriously dont know anything about it. There are figurines, dolls and merchandise for it but ONLY for display! So i guess its not officially released yet.
Figma's special i guess? You can see anime favourites like haruhi, mugi, madoka etc. put together, as if they gonna be out in the same anime. Anyway, good stuff from mirai!!
Hoho, its Misaka baby! Railgun, being one of my most-liked anime's, i am indeed glad that it is recieving some love other than just Index. Continue to rock on~!
Ore no imouto, i have yet to watch this anime. Heard that is quite interesting, so yeah i guess i will give it a go! Good stuff from both Railgun and Oreimo!!
Figurines from Madoka Magica! Being one of the most liked animes of the year, this is not to be left out. Looks good though, cheers!
More figurines! Theres 1 piece, naruto, kamen riders etc. Many of which are still on-going, so yeah you can expect them to appear again next year or so.
Dragonball series......YOU SERIOUS BRO!?!?! I really didn expect to see any dragonball stuff in AFA, since its like so dam oldschool. Anyway, i guess its for those old otaku's who still wishes for dragonball to make its comeback. I just took for fun though.
Naruto/Sasuke all over again. Figurines made from the Shippudden series, nothing fancy. You can expect to see them again in AFA 2012. Well, i quitted Naruto years ago so i am not gonna anticipate them.
Chibi's from the Sora no Otoshimono series! I have yet to watch it, heard from friend that its nice comedy. Characters itself looks great, will give anime a go as long as time allows!
More from Madoka Magica~!
How can vocaloids be absent in an event like this........well, here they are!! A full team, okay maybe not, just the top 5 most famous ones. No need me to name, you mad fans should know~ great stuff!
The no. 1 icon in the name of vocaloids, is none other than Hatsune Miku! Pretty-looking figurines of her, look so dam tempting. Kind of regretted that i didnt bought a figurine of her during AFA, BUT if i did, i would have overspend.....
Robot-Miku eh? Looks cool though, maybe someday in the future, this would make its debut in human-size? LOL, just a wild thinking of mine.
Another top-tier character from a top-notch anime, Saber from Fate series! Fate zero is still showing though, no rush no rush. Currently, I am still watching Fate stay night and just learnt about Saber. Call me lucky, as Saber is one damn popular character. You can see 10+ sabers walking around the hall, no doubt. I would say, the 2nd most popular of the year after Madoka!
More from the Fate series, Saber/Rider/Tohsaka etc. Fucking good stuff!!!
Probably the best Saber i have seen! Angelic, sexy Saber!!! Man, why have i not watched finish Fate Stay Night before AFA.......Anyways, this Saber figurine would definitely cost a bomb. So Saber addicts, get ready to get ur wallets ripped!!
More Saber~~!!
See that!?!? Its K-on baby!!! Such a rare sight to see 5 of them place together in the same glass casing. Look cute eh, with the classroom background. And as usual, no need me to say, you all can guess the pricing.
I have no damn idea what anime/game is this from, but these characters just look stunning! If by chance anyone know who they are, please tell me xD
DOLLS.....i am not the least interested in them. Just took a picture for the sake of fun~
Moving on to the cosplayers.....
More vocaloids, now its Rin and Len. Quite a unique style they have there though, rather than just the usual happy-go-lucky siblings!
Okay, i have no dam idea who these 2 are. Alot of people were snapping them, so i just went up and took a photo as well. Anyway, pretty good-looking cosplayers!
Hohoho, its dante bitches!!! Despite the other 2 events i went, there were no dante. I would say i am pretty surprise to see him in AFA, so yeah took a photo of him. Not a bad one though, perhaps just a slimmer dante.
Hmm, mrs smith? As usual, lots of people were snapping her and i just join in.
Oh come on, its white rock shooter baby!!! Its not even officially announced, and yet theres already someone cosplaying as her, awesome shit!!
Warrior miku? Nonetheless, she looks great with that costume/pose! Good stuff!
Rozen maiden. Well, its actually 3 of them, 1 ran off, and that is how this photo came to. Not a complete one, but i will do so with it, as this is the only Rozen Maiden photo i have.
Yuna from Final Fantasty X-2! Well, a pretty sexy one. Probably one of the better Yuna's i have seen so far in the all the events i have attended.
Something that i didnt expect from ao no exorcist cosplayers. Instead of the usual Rin and Yukio, here we have Amaimon and Mephisto! Pretty good cosplay, Amaimon doing the pose like, "YOU WANT TO PLAY BRO??" Taunting much!
Hmm, thats about all the photos i have. Kinda disappointing number of photos, yes i know. I would love to take more, but circumstances wont allow, so yeah pretty sad. Anyway, since i bought the ticket including the stage show, let me talk about it a little.

Stage show last for about 6-8 hours. Other than these 3 artistes, theres the appearance of Milky Holmes from Vanguard, not to sing but PLAY CARDS with the director of Vanguard in front of all of us audience. The rest of the stage show were just streaming random animes like Vanguard and Gundam Unicorn etc. $10 for the stage show.....i am unsatisfied at first, but now i think of it, its pretty worth it!
Thats about everything i have to say. Spend a rough $100 on AFA (including ticket price), and i would have to say it was well-spend! Its 1 more year to brush up on my anime's, so damn looking forward to AFA 2012 even thought AFA 2011 is over just like 1 week ago!!! Cheers xD
Have a nice day!
Photos-wise, it arent as sufficient as the 2 events i went previously (STGCC and Cosfest). Merchandise, i took quite a number of it (Y). Cosplayers, not as many photos. Crowd banging each other, cosplayers running around, its really hectic. IF ONLY there werent so many people, which is kind of impossible. Anyway, enough of trash talk, lets start off with some photos~!
This year's theme is none other than Madoka Magica!! I dont know for whatever reason, but this anime is recieving hell lots of love this year. Yet to watch it though, but will definitely give it a go when i have the time.
Other than Madoka Magica, there are other animes that recieved love as well. Ended not too long ago, Ao no exorcist! Great show, which i expect to see in AFA and i did. Merchandise wise, not too many, just puzzles/shirts/badges etc. Could not take photos as it was not allowed in the booth. Either too little figurines or there werent even any for 'ao no exorcist', which is kind of sad.
Other popular animes like kuroshitsuji 2 and beelzebub etc. were also showcased. Well, i am not really into these animes yet, so yeah give me more time!Mirai.....seems interesting. A new anime? Or some kind of programmed singer like miku? I seriously dont know anything about it. There are figurines, dolls and merchandise for it but ONLY for display! So i guess its not officially released yet.
Figma's special i guess? You can see anime favourites like haruhi, mugi, madoka etc. put together, as if they gonna be out in the same anime. Anyway, good stuff from mirai!!
Hoho, its Misaka baby! Railgun, being one of my most-liked anime's, i am indeed glad that it is recieving some love other than just Index. Continue to rock on~!
Ore no imouto, i have yet to watch this anime. Heard that is quite interesting, so yeah i guess i will give it a go! Good stuff from both Railgun and Oreimo!!
Figurines from Madoka Magica! Being one of the most liked animes of the year, this is not to be left out. Looks good though, cheers!
More figurines! Theres 1 piece, naruto, kamen riders etc. Many of which are still on-going, so yeah you can expect them to appear again next year or so.
Dragonball series......YOU SERIOUS BRO!?!?! I really didn expect to see any dragonball stuff in AFA, since its like so dam oldschool. Anyway, i guess its for those old otaku's who still wishes for dragonball to make its comeback. I just took for fun though.
Naruto/Sasuke all over again. Figurines made from the Shippudden series, nothing fancy. You can expect to see them again in AFA 2012. Well, i quitted Naruto years ago so i am not gonna anticipate them.
Chibi's from the Sora no Otoshimono series! I have yet to watch it, heard from friend that its nice comedy. Characters itself looks great, will give anime a go as long as time allows!
More from Madoka Magica~!
How can vocaloids be absent in an event like this........well, here they are!! A full team, okay maybe not, just the top 5 most famous ones. No need me to name, you mad fans should know~ great stuff!
The no. 1 icon in the name of vocaloids, is none other than Hatsune Miku! Pretty-looking figurines of her, look so dam tempting. Kind of regretted that i didnt bought a figurine of her during AFA, BUT if i did, i would have overspend.....
Robot-Miku eh? Looks cool though, maybe someday in the future, this would make its debut in human-size? LOL, just a wild thinking of mine.
Another top-tier character from a top-notch anime, Saber from Fate series! Fate zero is still showing though, no rush no rush. Currently, I am still watching Fate stay night and just learnt about Saber. Call me lucky, as Saber is one damn popular character. You can see 10+ sabers walking around the hall, no doubt. I would say, the 2nd most popular of the year after Madoka!
More from the Fate series, Saber/Rider/Tohsaka etc. Fucking good stuff!!!
Probably the best Saber i have seen! Angelic, sexy Saber!!! Man, why have i not watched finish Fate Stay Night before AFA.......Anyways, this Saber figurine would definitely cost a bomb. So Saber addicts, get ready to get ur wallets ripped!!
More Saber~~!!
See that!?!? Its K-on baby!!! Such a rare sight to see 5 of them place together in the same glass casing. Look cute eh, with the classroom background. And as usual, no need me to say, you all can guess the pricing.
I have no damn idea what anime/game is this from, but these characters just look stunning! If by chance anyone know who they are, please tell me xD
DOLLS.....i am not the least interested in them. Just took a picture for the sake of fun~
Moving on to the cosplayers.....
Its a rare sight to see the complete k-on band, and so i took a photo of it. Well, i will not say they look alike as in the anime. Its all good, Ritsu and Yui arent bad.
What do we have here? Some power ranger OP boss on the left and some kind of megazord on the right? LOL i seriously dont have a fucken idea. I just took them since they looks pretty cool. Looks like a game character to me, pretty cool uh~
Luka cosplayer, one of the many vocaloids cosplayers that i have seen on that day. Not a bad one i guess.More vocaloids, now its Rin and Len. Quite a unique style they have there though, rather than just the usual happy-go-lucky siblings!
Okay, i have no dam idea who these 2 are. Alot of people were snapping them, so i just went up and took a photo as well. Anyway, pretty good-looking cosplayers!
Hohoho, its dante bitches!!! Despite the other 2 events i went, there were no dante. I would say i am pretty surprise to see him in AFA, so yeah took a photo of him. Not a bad one though, perhaps just a slimmer dante.
Hmm, mrs smith? As usual, lots of people were snapping her and i just join in.
Oh come on, its white rock shooter baby!!! Its not even officially announced, and yet theres already someone cosplaying as her, awesome shit!!
Warrior miku? Nonetheless, she looks great with that costume/pose! Good stuff!
Rozen maiden. Well, its actually 3 of them, 1 ran off, and that is how this photo came to. Not a complete one, but i will do so with it, as this is the only Rozen Maiden photo i have.
Yuna from Final Fantasty X-2! Well, a pretty sexy one. Probably one of the better Yuna's i have seen so far in the all the events i have attended.
Something that i didnt expect from ao no exorcist cosplayers. Instead of the usual Rin and Yukio, here we have Amaimon and Mephisto! Pretty good cosplay, Amaimon doing the pose like, "YOU WANT TO PLAY BRO??" Taunting much!
Hmm, thats about all the photos i have. Kinda disappointing number of photos, yes i know. I would love to take more, but circumstances wont allow, so yeah pretty sad. Anyway, since i bought the ticket including the stage show, let me talk about it a little.

Well, i went on the saturday, and so the special guests on that day are Ichirou Mizuki and the Flow. I dont know who the f**k is Ichirou, but he seems to have pretty alot of fans, people were cheering for him even though he was just talking.
Flow, a pretty famous band. They sang openings for animes like Code Geass and Naruto etc. Great band with good vocals, its just normal that when they appear, the hall became flooded and people were screaming for them. Its just a stage show though, so they just answer a few questions and interact with the audience etc. No singing or whatsoever, as all is left for the night concert.
Oh, here she comes. Chiwa Saito, the voice actress for a famous character in Madoka Magica. Probably the most memorable artist for me on that day! She did a live dub for several random scenes of Madoka Magica, which drives everyone crazy, as being the fact that shes really good at it! First time seeing a live dub, and yeah this strikes me hard. Following up, she just answer questions that the the commentator have for her and thats it. A rough 30-45 minutes, satisfying much!Stage show last for about 6-8 hours. Other than these 3 artistes, theres the appearance of Milky Holmes from Vanguard, not to sing but PLAY CARDS with the director of Vanguard in front of all of us audience. The rest of the stage show were just streaming random animes like Vanguard and Gundam Unicorn etc. $10 for the stage show.....i am unsatisfied at first, but now i think of it, its pretty worth it!
Thats about everything i have to say. Spend a rough $100 on AFA (including ticket price), and i would have to say it was well-spend! Its 1 more year to brush up on my anime's, so damn looking forward to AFA 2012 even thought AFA 2011 is over just like 1 week ago!!! Cheers xD
Have a nice day!
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