Marvel vs Capcom 3 [My main teams]
Sup guys! Review for Marvel vs Capcom 3 is up few days ago, and now i will be talking about my 3-person teams that i have been often using in offline/online mode. As you guys already know, mvc3 is played with 3 characters on each team. Assists can be call in anytime during the battle. Characters can also be switched back and forth anytime in the battle, depending on your situation. So i will be giving short summaries on individual characters of my teams (Skills/movement layout etc.). I will be doing 3 teams, going in order of which team proves more effective to me (Being the 1st team reviewed, most effective team etc.). Anyway, i DONT do any assist help (Just pure single character combo). Then, let's get started!
1. Dante/Hulk/Akuma

A great team to me, i would say. Dante being able to be offensive and defensive, with average hp as well. I would say he is of great importance to my team, good damage and speed. Hulk being able to be the 'tank' of my team. Last backup for my team and acquire the highest damage of the team. Akuma, i would say ONLY offensive. He has the lowest hp of the team, but one of the highest damage in the team other than hulk. Good speed though. This team is balanced i would say, with equally offense and defense.

Another good team i would say. Wolverine, the main attacker of the team. Can be very offensive and being able to chase down keepaway characters. He is the lead in my team, losing him can be quite depressing. He has average hp though. Deadpool, great keepaway. Able to play far-range and close-combat. Super skrull, being able to confuse opponents with his skills. I will leave him as the final backup for team. This team is mainly offense and keepaway, not really into defense.

Next team, a kinda good one i would say. Zero being the fast one in the team and also able to quick hits on the opponent. For me, zero is the main attacker of the team due to his intense speed. Dormammu, mostly as a keepaway, but also close-combat. Sentinel, the last resort of the team. He is slow but over-powered damage. This team i could also say mainly offense, with just dormammu playing keepaway at times.

Have a nice day!
1. Dante/Hulk/Akuma

A great team to me, i would say. Dante being able to be offensive and defensive, with average hp as well. I would say he is of great importance to my team, good damage and speed. Hulk being able to be the 'tank' of my team. Last backup for my team and acquire the highest damage of the team. Akuma, i would say ONLY offensive. He has the lowest hp of the team, but one of the highest damage in the team other than hulk. Good speed though. This team is balanced i would say, with equally offense and defense.
- Dante, tons of combo capability due to the fact that dante has alot of skills. One good single combo can last more than 40 + hits. Average hp and damage. Being one of the few that is able to teleport, dante is way superior to most of the characters in the character screen.
- Hulk, one of the best damager in the game. Being the fact that he is big, he has alot of health, suitable to be a 'tank'. He is slow though (cant air-dash/run straight), however high damage and high hp make up for his flaws.
- Akuma, very good to play as offense. Fast and has good combo capability. One of his moves, 'Tatsumaki Zankukyaku' can be very irritating to deal with, but good for the user. However, akuma has low health so i see no point in playing defensive with him. One of the best level 3 hyper combo acquired, simply unblockable.

Another good team i would say. Wolverine, the main attacker of the team. Can be very offensive and being able to chase down keepaway characters. He is the lead in my team, losing him can be quite depressing. He has average hp though. Deadpool, great keepaway. Able to play far-range and close-combat. Super skrull, being able to confuse opponents with his skills. I will leave him as the final backup for team. This team is mainly offense and keepaway, not really into defense.
- Wolverine, a very fast and aggresive character. With good assist, wolverine can totally take out any character just by himself. Average hp but good damage. Great for chasing down keepaway characters as well. One of the best damagers in the game i would say.
- Deadpool, a really good keepaway character. Can also be offensive (katana-rama etc.), but do not last long. Grenades and guns are your best friends, use them well and the match is yours to own. Average hp and damage, arent a bad character.
- Super Skrull, a really balance-out character. Being able to move around the screen fast, fight close-combat and range-grab. 'Meteor mash' can be mindfucked for opponents as they wont know where you are gonna land. So its like playing mind games with your opponent in that split second!

Next team, a kinda good one i would say. Zero being the fast one in the team and also able to quick hits on the opponent. For me, zero is the main attacker of the team due to his intense speed. Dormammu, mostly as a keepaway, but also close-combat. Sentinel, the last resort of the team. He is slow but over-powered damage. This team i could also say mainly offense, with just dormammu playing keepaway at times.
- Zero, one of the fastest character in the game. Able to sneak in low kicks etc. way quicker than other characters. Low damage and low health. Great for rushing down. I would say zero could only be played offensively due to his low health. He would suck really badly playing keepaway. Zero can be really played well with players using the fightstick instead of controllers. So great advantage to the fightstick users!
- Dormammu, another good keepaway character. 'Dark holes' and 'liberation' are good keepaway skills, however dormammu is vulnerable during his skills. A missed hit and dormammu will get screwed by his opponent. One of the best pickup skills acquired though. Quite a 'tank' hp, so its kinda good for being a keepaway character.
- Sentinel, the highest damager in the whole game! However, sentinel's health is greatly reduced during the patch. But still, with X-factor, sentinel can still be a god! Quite a balanced character though. Beams/rockets for far-range and still able to close-combat. However, disadvantage is that he is slow and leaves a lot of openings. So sentinel is kinda vulnerable to fast characters.

Have a nice day!
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