Megaman X4 boss guides 3 (SPOILER ALERT)
Here goes the 3rd boss guide of Megaman X4. Bosses i will be going through in this post would be Colonel, Iris, Double and General. You guys might ask where is Sigma!?!? Dont worry, since he is the last boss of the game i will specially leave him for an individual post. Lets not waste more time and here goes......

First up, Colonel. The next in command of repliforce after general. He is indeed superior to any of the 8 maverick leaders, he is fast and is able to teleport around the map. However he is only able to teleport on ground, so need not worry of any air attacks. His damage arent kiddy, so do not play around with him. Weakness = None (Just bring him down through pure tactics)
For zero,
I would advise you to stick with normal slashes throughout the fight. However, if you are skilled enough, you may use various skills to damage colonel (damage is still the same, as he has no weaknesses). When starting the battle, he would either teleport away or use the 3-slash skill. From my observation, he always start the battle with the 3-slash skill. This may be hard to dodge at first, but very easy once you are flexible with your controls. He shoots 3 slashes at you, up and down slashes. Seeing his up-slash shot approaching, just dash pass it, the slash shot would just go pass above you. Seeing his down-slash shot approaching, just jump. After shooting the 3 slashes, there is a 1-2 second interval before colonel teleports away. Take advantage of this interval and land a hit before he disappears.
1. After he disappears, quickly jump to either side of the walls and clinch on it. Reason-being, he would just appear from nowhere and land a quick slash. Once you have clinch on walls, this should not be a problem. From my observation, i have figured a pattern from colonel. Before he reaches 1/2 hp, whenever after his 3-slash skill, he would always do a sudden appearance slash. So by realising this pattern, you could reduce his hp bar to 1/2 easily.
2. Lightling skill. Colonel's only area skill. This can be very damaging, but still able to dodge it. All you hav to know is that when he is trying to do this skill, he will always appear in the centre of the map. So be alert, notice where he appears. His lightling skill causes 6 lightling sparks to be evenly spread out on ground, after 1-2 second, these sparks shoots upwards. Anything contacts with it will be damaged. Whenever seeing him appearing in the centre, quickly jump and clinch to the nearest wall. There will be space intervals between these lightling sparks, jump down to these space intervals and you will be safe from being sparked. This attack will be more frequent when he is below 1/2 hp.
3. If battle last long enough, he will use his large wave slash. The further the slash go, the larger it will become. Sounds tough uh? It can be very easy to dodge. Whenever noticing him saying some random shit and then jump and land a slash on the ground, he is doing it. Seeing ground slash coming, just double jump over it. If you want to play safe, then just jump and clinch on the wall as high as possible. Jump down when slash passes through below you. By knowing his attack patterns, there will be more openings for you to land attacks on, so without much effort, colonel will be defeated. No skill to be learnt.
For X,
Since colonel has no weaknesses, just stay with buster mode and keep charging whenever you had the chance. Knowing the attack patterns of colonel like i have mentioned above, reducing his hp bar to 1/2 should not be a problem. It is just that now its different since you are shooting with X, which i would say its easier. You do not have to rush to colonel and damage before he disappears, just charge-shot him from far, decent damage done. For his lightling skill, dodge it at the right time, charge-shot him whenever you had the chance. The win is yours. No skill to be learnt.

Next up, Iris. She is no longer the cute girl you once knew. Being grieved for her brother's death, she falls into the darkness of power, attempting to avenge her brother. A great problem at first, it gets easier once you know how she is going to execute her attacks. Weakness = None
For zero,
It can be easy or it can be tough. It all just depends on how you play it. Ok, lets talk about the easy way first. As the battle starts, just keep attacking iris, that would spawn more minibots floating towards you. For now, no matter how many times you hit iris, her health bar wont go down. Dont worry, its not any bug or glitch. Just keep attacking and destroying the minibots before they could touched you. After about 10 seconds or more after battle starts, iris will release the crystal from her body. This crystal is her health bar. Keep in mind, the crystal would always above iris. Surrounding the crystal will the naturally be the minibots spawned. It may look like a unbreakable fortress, however breaking it is a piece of cake. Do a ryuenjin, that would both destroy the minibots approaching and damage the crystal. After that, do a few slashes to keep iris away. Keeping iris a distance away from you is always a good thing. Once distance secured, do another ryuenjin, it will again damage the crystal. Keep doing this until she use her second skill.
1. That would be she going to the most bottom right corner and charge her arm beam, the crystal will then follow below you. This i would say you would have to gauge your timing. When iris fired her beam, the crystal would then stop moving and it will do a vertical beam. So you would have to gauge the time iris will fire her beam so as to escape the vertical beam. The best way to dodge both beams would be clinching on walls. While clinching, slash the minibots approaching. As iris beam stopped, faster jump down and do as much damage on crystal as possible as now it is the most vulnerable, where no minibots surround it. When crystal go back above iris. Do the ryuenjin steps again, easy method and iris is defeated. No skill will be learned.
The tough way would be just doing slashes throughout the whole battle. It is possible, but it will take longer and it tests your abilities. Just keep doing air slashes and retreat abit then do it again. Gauge and dodge her attacks. It may not be easy, but if you love challenges, this is a good one for you. Only zero can fight iris, so there will be no X guide on this.

Next up, Double. He is no longer the fatass u knew, but a supreme badass that kills anyone to pleasure himself. He was a spy for sigma all along to slaughtered the maverick hunters. A tough fight and his attacks are as pain as fuck. Weakness = None
For X,
I would advise using buster mode throughout the fight. From my observation, using skills like double cyclone on him can be very tough. He will come out with lots of gadgets that will come hunting you, which can be a pain in the ass. While using the buster mode, he will NOT release these gadgets, so its easier to fight him. As the battle starts, he will do his 1st skill, which is he fly upwards and descend to the centre of the screen and then pierce-rush in which other direction you are. This skill can be easily noticed as double will always say 'evil fly' before he descends to the centre of the screen. So just jump over his attack when he rush-pierce you. You should be constanly charging and firing shots at double. He have like 2 openings when he does this skill. First opening : when he descends to the centre, 1-2 seconds before he do his pierce, this is your chance to shoot. Second opening : After you jump over his pierce, shoot him again. You should be able to fire 2 fully charged shots.
1. His 2nd skill, shooting cyber circles. He would normally do this after his 1st skill. He either shoots 1 or 2 circles at you. This can be dodged by dash-jump or jump-dash. However, you may be trapped at corners at times by these circles, thus eating damage. So just be confident and dont stay too far away from him, keep a comfortable distance in between. If everything goes well, you should be able to take off 1/2 of his hp.
2. His final skill, gigantic cyber slashes. He would do 2 big slashes, 1 upper slash and 1 bottom slash, one after another. He would normally do this when his hp bar is less than 1/2. When noticing him floating at 1 corner and charging, faster dash to the other end at get ready. His first slash can be dodged by just dashing pass below it. After that, quickly jump and clinch to the wall, as high as possible, that should be able to dodge his bottom slash. If you are unlucky, you will get hit.
It will not be a easy fight, its ok to eat some damage as long as you manage to defeat it. As long as you are using buster mode, he will just do this 3 skills. Learn how to dodge it, attack at the right times, defeating double should not be a problem. Only X can fight double, so there will be no zero guide on this.

Next up, General. The leader of the repliforce. He is big as fuck, with armor covering all over him, almost looks like he had the ultimate defence. However, he has 1 weak point which is his head. Aiming for his head will do the job, however its easier said than done. Weakness = None
For zero,
This tests your confidence and reflexes on the controls. I would advise you to stay on ground as long as possible. This would cause general to float low, chasing after you. This would also make your job easier so as to be able to reach and attack his head. As the battle starts, he will float towards you. You can do a decoy. While standing near a wall, wait for him to float towards you and when you are under his feet, he would stomp flat on you (when he stomp, it would take 2-3 seconds for him to recover, so its your chance). Gauge the timing he is gonna do that and then quickly climb/clinch on the wall till you reach the same level as his head. Jump off and do a spin slash on his head, that would damage him. Remember to dash away once you hit his head, to prevent you dropping on to his lower body, which will in turn damage yourself.
1. Another thing. If he floats real low till you cant stand under him, just clinch on wall. When he approach jump over him. If you are confident, while jumping over him, do a overhead spinning slash, that would hit him. If you want to play safe, then just jump over him.
2. Another skill of his, which is floating at one corner and shooting both of his arms out. Blue rings would then be released from the holes in his arms. These rings are shot at the direction of you, so you should be moving around to avoid this. Seeing his arms approaching, dont worry it will not hurt you. Use it to your advantage, his arms can be use as 'stairs'. Jump on to the 1st arm then on to the 2nd arm. Be sure not to get hit by the blue rings while you are doing that. While on the 2nd arm, stay there, the arm will automatic reverse and move back towards general. When close enough, jump and do a spin slash on general's head and then air-dash away. Dont be greedy for hits, you may get hurt. The arms float back and forth for 2 rounds, so you should be able to land 2 hits on his head. However, you might fail to dash away while hitting, so beware of your hp.
3. When he is about 1/2 or less hp, he would do his 3rd skill. Which is summoning 6 cyber knifes from his belt and then releasing at you. While you are on the ground, he should be at the same level as you before doing this. So there is only 1 way to dodge this and attack him at the same time. Among these 6 knifes, there is a gap in between, so take your chance and dash-jump through this gap while the knifes are being released. General should still be in that position. Do a double jump and then a air-spin slash on his head. General should do this for 2 times, so you could attack him 2 times as well. After this skill, he should be doing his arm shots again, so just jump/attack/dodge well. General should be defeated. You may get hit or even killed when fighting him, its okay b/c he arent any small fry too.
For X,
It should be easier for X since he is far-range. However, X may not be too flexible when facing general close-up, but its still okay. I would advise when using X, refrain from attacking general at any times EXCEPT the time when he shoot his arms out. And of course, i would advise you to use buster mode. So when general is floating and moving around, just jump and dodge him.
1. When he shoot his arms out, jump and reach his 2nd arm. Jump to dodge blue rings approaching. Release a charged shot once you see his head and then jump off. I am playing the safe way with X, so it would take longer than zero. Eventually, you would still be able to kill general.
I am done with the 4 elite bosses in the game, however there is still Sigma. I will be doing his guide in my next post, so dont worry guys.
Have a nice day!

First up, Colonel. The next in command of repliforce after general. He is indeed superior to any of the 8 maverick leaders, he is fast and is able to teleport around the map. However he is only able to teleport on ground, so need not worry of any air attacks. His damage arent kiddy, so do not play around with him. Weakness = None (Just bring him down through pure tactics)
For zero,
I would advise you to stick with normal slashes throughout the fight. However, if you are skilled enough, you may use various skills to damage colonel (damage is still the same, as he has no weaknesses). When starting the battle, he would either teleport away or use the 3-slash skill. From my observation, he always start the battle with the 3-slash skill. This may be hard to dodge at first, but very easy once you are flexible with your controls. He shoots 3 slashes at you, up and down slashes. Seeing his up-slash shot approaching, just dash pass it, the slash shot would just go pass above you. Seeing his down-slash shot approaching, just jump. After shooting the 3 slashes, there is a 1-2 second interval before colonel teleports away. Take advantage of this interval and land a hit before he disappears.
1. After he disappears, quickly jump to either side of the walls and clinch on it. Reason-being, he would just appear from nowhere and land a quick slash. Once you have clinch on walls, this should not be a problem. From my observation, i have figured a pattern from colonel. Before he reaches 1/2 hp, whenever after his 3-slash skill, he would always do a sudden appearance slash. So by realising this pattern, you could reduce his hp bar to 1/2 easily.
2. Lightling skill. Colonel's only area skill. This can be very damaging, but still able to dodge it. All you hav to know is that when he is trying to do this skill, he will always appear in the centre of the map. So be alert, notice where he appears. His lightling skill causes 6 lightling sparks to be evenly spread out on ground, after 1-2 second, these sparks shoots upwards. Anything contacts with it will be damaged. Whenever seeing him appearing in the centre, quickly jump and clinch to the nearest wall. There will be space intervals between these lightling sparks, jump down to these space intervals and you will be safe from being sparked. This attack will be more frequent when he is below 1/2 hp.
3. If battle last long enough, he will use his large wave slash. The further the slash go, the larger it will become. Sounds tough uh? It can be very easy to dodge. Whenever noticing him saying some random shit and then jump and land a slash on the ground, he is doing it. Seeing ground slash coming, just double jump over it. If you want to play safe, then just jump and clinch on the wall as high as possible. Jump down when slash passes through below you. By knowing his attack patterns, there will be more openings for you to land attacks on, so without much effort, colonel will be defeated. No skill to be learnt.
For X,
Since colonel has no weaknesses, just stay with buster mode and keep charging whenever you had the chance. Knowing the attack patterns of colonel like i have mentioned above, reducing his hp bar to 1/2 should not be a problem. It is just that now its different since you are shooting with X, which i would say its easier. You do not have to rush to colonel and damage before he disappears, just charge-shot him from far, decent damage done. For his lightling skill, dodge it at the right time, charge-shot him whenever you had the chance. The win is yours. No skill to be learnt.

Next up, Iris. She is no longer the cute girl you once knew. Being grieved for her brother's death, she falls into the darkness of power, attempting to avenge her brother. A great problem at first, it gets easier once you know how she is going to execute her attacks. Weakness = None
For zero,
It can be easy or it can be tough. It all just depends on how you play it. Ok, lets talk about the easy way first. As the battle starts, just keep attacking iris, that would spawn more minibots floating towards you. For now, no matter how many times you hit iris, her health bar wont go down. Dont worry, its not any bug or glitch. Just keep attacking and destroying the minibots before they could touched you. After about 10 seconds or more after battle starts, iris will release the crystal from her body. This crystal is her health bar. Keep in mind, the crystal would always above iris. Surrounding the crystal will the naturally be the minibots spawned. It may look like a unbreakable fortress, however breaking it is a piece of cake. Do a ryuenjin, that would both destroy the minibots approaching and damage the crystal. After that, do a few slashes to keep iris away. Keeping iris a distance away from you is always a good thing. Once distance secured, do another ryuenjin, it will again damage the crystal. Keep doing this until she use her second skill.
1. That would be she going to the most bottom right corner and charge her arm beam, the crystal will then follow below you. This i would say you would have to gauge your timing. When iris fired her beam, the crystal would then stop moving and it will do a vertical beam. So you would have to gauge the time iris will fire her beam so as to escape the vertical beam. The best way to dodge both beams would be clinching on walls. While clinching, slash the minibots approaching. As iris beam stopped, faster jump down and do as much damage on crystal as possible as now it is the most vulnerable, where no minibots surround it. When crystal go back above iris. Do the ryuenjin steps again, easy method and iris is defeated. No skill will be learned.
The tough way would be just doing slashes throughout the whole battle. It is possible, but it will take longer and it tests your abilities. Just keep doing air slashes and retreat abit then do it again. Gauge and dodge her attacks. It may not be easy, but if you love challenges, this is a good one for you. Only zero can fight iris, so there will be no X guide on this.

Next up, Double. He is no longer the fatass u knew, but a supreme badass that kills anyone to pleasure himself. He was a spy for sigma all along to slaughtered the maverick hunters. A tough fight and his attacks are as pain as fuck. Weakness = None
For X,
I would advise using buster mode throughout the fight. From my observation, using skills like double cyclone on him can be very tough. He will come out with lots of gadgets that will come hunting you, which can be a pain in the ass. While using the buster mode, he will NOT release these gadgets, so its easier to fight him. As the battle starts, he will do his 1st skill, which is he fly upwards and descend to the centre of the screen and then pierce-rush in which other direction you are. This skill can be easily noticed as double will always say 'evil fly' before he descends to the centre of the screen. So just jump over his attack when he rush-pierce you. You should be constanly charging and firing shots at double. He have like 2 openings when he does this skill. First opening : when he descends to the centre, 1-2 seconds before he do his pierce, this is your chance to shoot. Second opening : After you jump over his pierce, shoot him again. You should be able to fire 2 fully charged shots.
1. His 2nd skill, shooting cyber circles. He would normally do this after his 1st skill. He either shoots 1 or 2 circles at you. This can be dodged by dash-jump or jump-dash. However, you may be trapped at corners at times by these circles, thus eating damage. So just be confident and dont stay too far away from him, keep a comfortable distance in between. If everything goes well, you should be able to take off 1/2 of his hp.
2. His final skill, gigantic cyber slashes. He would do 2 big slashes, 1 upper slash and 1 bottom slash, one after another. He would normally do this when his hp bar is less than 1/2. When noticing him floating at 1 corner and charging, faster dash to the other end at get ready. His first slash can be dodged by just dashing pass below it. After that, quickly jump and clinch to the wall, as high as possible, that should be able to dodge his bottom slash. If you are unlucky, you will get hit.
It will not be a easy fight, its ok to eat some damage as long as you manage to defeat it. As long as you are using buster mode, he will just do this 3 skills. Learn how to dodge it, attack at the right times, defeating double should not be a problem. Only X can fight double, so there will be no zero guide on this.

Next up, General. The leader of the repliforce. He is big as fuck, with armor covering all over him, almost looks like he had the ultimate defence. However, he has 1 weak point which is his head. Aiming for his head will do the job, however its easier said than done. Weakness = None
For zero,
This tests your confidence and reflexes on the controls. I would advise you to stay on ground as long as possible. This would cause general to float low, chasing after you. This would also make your job easier so as to be able to reach and attack his head. As the battle starts, he will float towards you. You can do a decoy. While standing near a wall, wait for him to float towards you and when you are under his feet, he would stomp flat on you (when he stomp, it would take 2-3 seconds for him to recover, so its your chance). Gauge the timing he is gonna do that and then quickly climb/clinch on the wall till you reach the same level as his head. Jump off and do a spin slash on his head, that would damage him. Remember to dash away once you hit his head, to prevent you dropping on to his lower body, which will in turn damage yourself.
1. Another thing. If he floats real low till you cant stand under him, just clinch on wall. When he approach jump over him. If you are confident, while jumping over him, do a overhead spinning slash, that would hit him. If you want to play safe, then just jump over him.
2. Another skill of his, which is floating at one corner and shooting both of his arms out. Blue rings would then be released from the holes in his arms. These rings are shot at the direction of you, so you should be moving around to avoid this. Seeing his arms approaching, dont worry it will not hurt you. Use it to your advantage, his arms can be use as 'stairs'. Jump on to the 1st arm then on to the 2nd arm. Be sure not to get hit by the blue rings while you are doing that. While on the 2nd arm, stay there, the arm will automatic reverse and move back towards general. When close enough, jump and do a spin slash on general's head and then air-dash away. Dont be greedy for hits, you may get hurt. The arms float back and forth for 2 rounds, so you should be able to land 2 hits on his head. However, you might fail to dash away while hitting, so beware of your hp.
3. When he is about 1/2 or less hp, he would do his 3rd skill. Which is summoning 6 cyber knifes from his belt and then releasing at you. While you are on the ground, he should be at the same level as you before doing this. So there is only 1 way to dodge this and attack him at the same time. Among these 6 knifes, there is a gap in between, so take your chance and dash-jump through this gap while the knifes are being released. General should still be in that position. Do a double jump and then a air-spin slash on his head. General should do this for 2 times, so you could attack him 2 times as well. After this skill, he should be doing his arm shots again, so just jump/attack/dodge well. General should be defeated. You may get hit or even killed when fighting him, its okay b/c he arent any small fry too.
For X,
It should be easier for X since he is far-range. However, X may not be too flexible when facing general close-up, but its still okay. I would advise when using X, refrain from attacking general at any times EXCEPT the time when he shoot his arms out. And of course, i would advise you to use buster mode. So when general is floating and moving around, just jump and dodge him.
1. When he shoot his arms out, jump and reach his 2nd arm. Jump to dodge blue rings approaching. Release a charged shot once you see his head and then jump off. I am playing the safe way with X, so it would take longer than zero. Eventually, you would still be able to kill general.
I am done with the 4 elite bosses in the game, however there is still Sigma. I will be doing his guide in my next post, so dont worry guys.
Have a nice day!
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