Megaman X4 boss guides (SPOILER ALERT)
Relaying from my previous post, i would be going through the fights with the 8 maverick leaders using both zero and X. 4 profiles here and the other 4 in my next post. I will also be posting the fights of the final few bosses maybe later or tomorrow. The order of bosses i will be going through is what i think its the best to make the game easier. Ok, then lets get started!

First of all, Magma Dragoon. Elemental power is fire. In battle with him, you will notice that he is moving around fast, shooting flames and sometimes jumping to one end and does a flamethrower. A decent challenge i would say. However, you will soon notice that his attacks are carry out in a certain pattern. Once figured out, killing him would be not much of a problem.
For zero,
As for those who had played the game, at the 2nd stage there is a machine tank available for you to use it against the dragoon. Once you had the machine tank, try your best to minimize the damage done to your tank when on your way to dragoon. This machine tank, i would say is your only best chance to deal the highest damage to dragoon without lowering your health bar. Once battle started, just spam it on dragoon. Dont EVER charge the attack during the battle, it is time-consuming and you will just be eating more damage and the charged attack arent any effective as well. If everything goes well, after machine tank is destroyed, you would have depleted around 1/2 of dragoon's hp bar. If your lucky, around 3/4. Since your using zero, just keep slashing dragoon when you had the chance.
1. When seeing dragoon prepares to throws a fireball, slash him a bit and back off, b/c right after he throw, he will do a flame uppercut, which i would say its pain as fuck. He will do uppercut for 2 times then back to his normal pattern.
2. When seeing dragoon jumps to one corner, and does a pose of like squatting/shitting, he will be doing a flamethrower. If your confident, jump behind him onto the tiny platform just between the lava and dragoon, and constant attack him, doing some decent damage. If your scared, then jump onto the wall and clinch on it till he is done with his flamethrower
3. If your worrying that he will jump then kick down, and then shoot flames, i would say you have to practise how to use ur dashes and jumps together. You can jump on wall and clinich on it till hes done, or if your skilled enough, jump-dash all his 3 flame shots. He will be doing a uppercut right after that, so dont be too hasty when attacking him.
4. When he is near to death, he will be be jumping to 1 corner and shooting flames into the sky, creating mass meteors falling later on. Just keep slashing him when the meteors have not fall yet, he is most vunerable at this point, and without much problem, you have defeated him and will learned ryuenjin.
For X,
Same thing, machine tank will be provided to deplet around half of dragoon's hp. Should not be much a difference from fighting using zero, just that X is using buster mode and zero is melee. Once machine tank destroyed, dodge his uppercuts, be confident, charge and shoot once you see openings, but dont be too greedy, you may get yourself killed.
I fought dragoon as my first boss, but its up to you to fight other bosses first. Dragoon's weakness is double cyclone, which can be obtained after defeating storm owl. (thats the reason why i say you can choose other bosses to be your first boss, its kind of mixed up though) When starting battle, use it, then he will jump to 1 corner. Run to him and use it again, then he will jump to another corner, run to him and use it again. Just keep doing the same thing, dragoon will be defeated without you even losing any health. Cheap shit isnt it? Then after that you will learn rising fire.

Next up, Frost Walrus. Elemental power is ice. In battle with him, you will notice he is moving quite slow since hes big size, and once he crash his knucles twice, he will slide towards you. A certain pattern you would noticed also when fighting him. Weakness = fire
For zero,
You would have gained ryuenjin before facing him. When battle start, just do ryuenjin on him. He will be like on fire, then after a while he will slowly slide towards you. When noticing that, faster jump to the side of the wall opposite of him and clinch on it, till he reach directly below you then dash-jump away from the wall. Then ryuenjin him again. Keep repeating this till he changed attacks.
1. His next attack after sliding would be shooting out giant icicles from hes shoulder. While he is doing that, just keep ryuenjin him. The icicles will like fall in a row, but there will be a space when no icicles will fall on, just dash to there when u see icicles falling, there should be enough time for you to dash to he 'safe' zone. After that, continue ryuenjin.
2. When he is close to death, he will be spitting snow out of his mouth, forming a large diamond to appear overtime, this large diamond will then break, shooting out icciles horizontally. Though it sounds dangerous, it is nothing to be fear of. When u see the diamond start to appear, just keep attacking, the iccles that would be facing your position would be destroyed before its even being shot out. Then ryuenjin him after that, he should be dead. Kinda easy i would say. You would learn a ice skill after that (sorry guys i don know what thats call).
For X,
You would have gotten rising fire before fighting walrus. All you have to do is to switch to fire skill, stand close to walrus and just fire the shit out of him. Same thing to zero, he will slide towards you after he got burned, so clinch on wall and jump off at the right time. When he is close to death and start spitting snow to form diamond, stand a distance away, switch to buster mode, charge and shoot as soon as you see icicles flying at you. That will protect you from the icicles damage. Switch back to fire and continue firing, you should have no problem killing walrus. Switching back and forth should not be much of a problem as you would only have the fire skill so far. After winning, you would then learn some freezing ice skill.

Next up, Jet Stingray. His weapon, ground hunter, hunts for anything lurking on the ground, thats the reason why when fighting him, he is seen mostly floating in the air, releasing small stingrays. And as usual, his attacks comes in a pattern, so it is easy to counter him once his attack patterns are figured out. Weakness = ice
For zero,
you would have earned the ice skill by the time you fight stingray.When battle start, make sure you follow him and always be right under him till the battle ends. His first attack would be shooting small blue stingrays out of his knee, and it will come after you soon. Once seeing him doing that, jump and keep doing air slashes until these small stingrays enter the water. When seeing these small stingrays approaching, dont start spamming the attack key. Be calm, just press attack button 1 time on 1 stingray, it is enough to kill it. Jet stingray will shoot out about 5, so you just gauge your timing and do a light attack on each of them. That would solve the problem of stingrays lurking in the water. After shooting stingrays, he will do a underwater dive in the water throughout the whole map. That is the reason being why i said stay under him at all times, that would prevent you from eating his diving damage. Jet stingray will keep doing the same thing till you minus him about 1/2 of his hp.
1. When jet stingray is about 1/2 hp, he would use his 2nd skill, which is after shooting stingray, he will descend below, absorb air resistance and then rush horizontally. If you are worrying being right under him and will get damage when he descends, no fear guys! Just run towards the wall closest to you, even though the wall is blocking you, when he descends, there will be a very-very small gap in between you 2. Now, i would say its the best time to use the ice skill, earned previously from frost walrus. Jet stingray will get frozen for a while and then fly upwards. After a few seconds, he will come back and do his normal patterns of attack.
2. When jet stingray hp has reached yellow, he unleashes his final skill. As usual, he will shoot stingrays first, which now is red color (previously blue). But it arent any difference between them despite color, still 1 hit to kill 1 stingray. After shooting stingray, he will dash upwards, now i would say its your time to dash back and forth in the space available. Out of nowhere, stingray will just dash down into the sand, and then dash out of the sand. As long as you keep dashing to 1 end and then back to the other end, hes this vertical attack would not touch you. The only chance to attack during this moment is when he releases stingrays, jump and slash, jump and slash. After 1-2 rounds of his final attack, you attacking him at the right time, stingray will eventually be dead.
3. One more thing, people say it is possible to do the ice skill when jet stingray is in the air. Yes i agree, but unless you are very good at jumping and using skills, if not i will advised you to just do air slashes. If everything goes well, you will end the battle without losing any bit of hp. After that, you would learn a jump and dash skill, which is very effective in later battles.
For X,
X would have got the ice skill after defeating walrus, which is like forming a shard of frozen ice from the body. when fighting stingray, as usual, follow directly under him at all times. Before he even raises his knee to release stingrays, jump and freeze him. This can be easily achieved in 1-2 tries. Dont ever let him release and stingrays, b/c with buster, it only shoots vertically, stingrays would just move below your charged shot, unaffected. If you use your ice skill, there is a delay and it will not last long. The most with ice skill, you could only kill around 3 stingrays, the other 2 would be a pain in the ass. If successful freezing him a couple of times, with him not being able to release anything, he will reached 1/2 hp.
1. Same thing, 1/2 hp and jet stingray will use his second skill. Make use of the tiny gap i mentioned above, and freeze him when he is just directly beside you.
2. When reached yellow hp, 3rd skill unleashed. Dash back and forth like i mentioned above, then he will returned to shooting stingrays. Freeze him when you had the chance, and he will be defeated. Easy and cheap technique. X will then learn a ground hunter skill.

Next up, Slash Beast. Fast and furious, anything that he cuts will cannot be mended back again. A decent challenge i would say, but still he has his attack patterns. Figured it out, he would be a easy boss to kill. Weakness = ground hunter
For zero,
When starting battle, the first thing slash beast will do is roar, so its your chance to do land some decent damage on him. He will then either jump to the other side and do a twin slash or jump and aiming to stomp on you.
1. He will normally jump to one end and do a twin slash ,so when seeing that he is isolating you, get prepared. Twin slash can be very easy to dodge. When seeing slashes approaching, just dash through. Slashes will just pass above you. Then after that, he will roar again, so its your turn to do damage on him.
2. The stomping can also be easily dodged. When seeing him coming down at you, just dash away and land 1-2 hits on him. His attacks pattern will be the same till he reached yellow hp.
3. There are times when u see him staying on 1 spot (claws pink color) like as if he is charging something. That would be probably that he trying to do twin slash twice. Nothing too serious.
4. When he is yellow hp, he will begin to use his final skill where he is able to dash from 1 end to other with his piercing attack. No fear, this can be dodge by just jumping. He will have a lot of openings throughout, so killing him would not be much a problem even though you might eat some damage. After that, you will gained a swift-slash skill.
For X,
X would have gotten ground hunter before fighting slash beast. When battle started, shoot 1 time and slash beast will fall. When he get back up, he will charge towards you with his piercing attack, just jump to dodge it, then shoot again. Just keep repeating this, slash beast will get owned badly. After that, you will gained the twin slasher skill.
Ok, i am done with the first 4 bosses. I will talk about the next 4 in my next post.

First of all, Magma Dragoon. Elemental power is fire. In battle with him, you will notice that he is moving around fast, shooting flames and sometimes jumping to one end and does a flamethrower. A decent challenge i would say. However, you will soon notice that his attacks are carry out in a certain pattern. Once figured out, killing him would be not much of a problem.
For zero,
As for those who had played the game, at the 2nd stage there is a machine tank available for you to use it against the dragoon. Once you had the machine tank, try your best to minimize the damage done to your tank when on your way to dragoon. This machine tank, i would say is your only best chance to deal the highest damage to dragoon without lowering your health bar. Once battle started, just spam it on dragoon. Dont EVER charge the attack during the battle, it is time-consuming and you will just be eating more damage and the charged attack arent any effective as well. If everything goes well, after machine tank is destroyed, you would have depleted around 1/2 of dragoon's hp bar. If your lucky, around 3/4. Since your using zero, just keep slashing dragoon when you had the chance.
1. When seeing dragoon prepares to throws a fireball, slash him a bit and back off, b/c right after he throw, he will do a flame uppercut, which i would say its pain as fuck. He will do uppercut for 2 times then back to his normal pattern.
2. When seeing dragoon jumps to one corner, and does a pose of like squatting/shitting, he will be doing a flamethrower. If your confident, jump behind him onto the tiny platform just between the lava and dragoon, and constant attack him, doing some decent damage. If your scared, then jump onto the wall and clinch on it till he is done with his flamethrower
3. If your worrying that he will jump then kick down, and then shoot flames, i would say you have to practise how to use ur dashes and jumps together. You can jump on wall and clinich on it till hes done, or if your skilled enough, jump-dash all his 3 flame shots. He will be doing a uppercut right after that, so dont be too hasty when attacking him.
4. When he is near to death, he will be be jumping to 1 corner and shooting flames into the sky, creating mass meteors falling later on. Just keep slashing him when the meteors have not fall yet, he is most vunerable at this point, and without much problem, you have defeated him and will learned ryuenjin.
For X,
Same thing, machine tank will be provided to deplet around half of dragoon's hp. Should not be much a difference from fighting using zero, just that X is using buster mode and zero is melee. Once machine tank destroyed, dodge his uppercuts, be confident, charge and shoot once you see openings, but dont be too greedy, you may get yourself killed.
I fought dragoon as my first boss, but its up to you to fight other bosses first. Dragoon's weakness is double cyclone, which can be obtained after defeating storm owl. (thats the reason why i say you can choose other bosses to be your first boss, its kind of mixed up though) When starting battle, use it, then he will jump to 1 corner. Run to him and use it again, then he will jump to another corner, run to him and use it again. Just keep doing the same thing, dragoon will be defeated without you even losing any health. Cheap shit isnt it? Then after that you will learn rising fire.

Next up, Frost Walrus. Elemental power is ice. In battle with him, you will notice he is moving quite slow since hes big size, and once he crash his knucles twice, he will slide towards you. A certain pattern you would noticed also when fighting him. Weakness = fire
For zero,
You would have gained ryuenjin before facing him. When battle start, just do ryuenjin on him. He will be like on fire, then after a while he will slowly slide towards you. When noticing that, faster jump to the side of the wall opposite of him and clinch on it, till he reach directly below you then dash-jump away from the wall. Then ryuenjin him again. Keep repeating this till he changed attacks.
1. His next attack after sliding would be shooting out giant icicles from hes shoulder. While he is doing that, just keep ryuenjin him. The icicles will like fall in a row, but there will be a space when no icicles will fall on, just dash to there when u see icicles falling, there should be enough time for you to dash to he 'safe' zone. After that, continue ryuenjin.
2. When he is close to death, he will be spitting snow out of his mouth, forming a large diamond to appear overtime, this large diamond will then break, shooting out icciles horizontally. Though it sounds dangerous, it is nothing to be fear of. When u see the diamond start to appear, just keep attacking, the iccles that would be facing your position would be destroyed before its even being shot out. Then ryuenjin him after that, he should be dead. Kinda easy i would say. You would learn a ice skill after that (sorry guys i don know what thats call).
For X,
You would have gotten rising fire before fighting walrus. All you have to do is to switch to fire skill, stand close to walrus and just fire the shit out of him. Same thing to zero, he will slide towards you after he got burned, so clinch on wall and jump off at the right time. When he is close to death and start spitting snow to form diamond, stand a distance away, switch to buster mode, charge and shoot as soon as you see icicles flying at you. That will protect you from the icicles damage. Switch back to fire and continue firing, you should have no problem killing walrus. Switching back and forth should not be much of a problem as you would only have the fire skill so far. After winning, you would then learn some freezing ice skill.

Next up, Jet Stingray. His weapon, ground hunter, hunts for anything lurking on the ground, thats the reason why when fighting him, he is seen mostly floating in the air, releasing small stingrays. And as usual, his attacks comes in a pattern, so it is easy to counter him once his attack patterns are figured out. Weakness = ice
For zero,
you would have earned the ice skill by the time you fight stingray.When battle start, make sure you follow him and always be right under him till the battle ends. His first attack would be shooting small blue stingrays out of his knee, and it will come after you soon. Once seeing him doing that, jump and keep doing air slashes until these small stingrays enter the water. When seeing these small stingrays approaching, dont start spamming the attack key. Be calm, just press attack button 1 time on 1 stingray, it is enough to kill it. Jet stingray will shoot out about 5, so you just gauge your timing and do a light attack on each of them. That would solve the problem of stingrays lurking in the water. After shooting stingrays, he will do a underwater dive in the water throughout the whole map. That is the reason being why i said stay under him at all times, that would prevent you from eating his diving damage. Jet stingray will keep doing the same thing till you minus him about 1/2 of his hp.
1. When jet stingray is about 1/2 hp, he would use his 2nd skill, which is after shooting stingray, he will descend below, absorb air resistance and then rush horizontally. If you are worrying being right under him and will get damage when he descends, no fear guys! Just run towards the wall closest to you, even though the wall is blocking you, when he descends, there will be a very-very small gap in between you 2. Now, i would say its the best time to use the ice skill, earned previously from frost walrus. Jet stingray will get frozen for a while and then fly upwards. After a few seconds, he will come back and do his normal patterns of attack.
2. When jet stingray hp has reached yellow, he unleashes his final skill. As usual, he will shoot stingrays first, which now is red color (previously blue). But it arent any difference between them despite color, still 1 hit to kill 1 stingray. After shooting stingray, he will dash upwards, now i would say its your time to dash back and forth in the space available. Out of nowhere, stingray will just dash down into the sand, and then dash out of the sand. As long as you keep dashing to 1 end and then back to the other end, hes this vertical attack would not touch you. The only chance to attack during this moment is when he releases stingrays, jump and slash, jump and slash. After 1-2 rounds of his final attack, you attacking him at the right time, stingray will eventually be dead.
3. One more thing, people say it is possible to do the ice skill when jet stingray is in the air. Yes i agree, but unless you are very good at jumping and using skills, if not i will advised you to just do air slashes. If everything goes well, you will end the battle without losing any bit of hp. After that, you would learn a jump and dash skill, which is very effective in later battles.
For X,
X would have got the ice skill after defeating walrus, which is like forming a shard of frozen ice from the body. when fighting stingray, as usual, follow directly under him at all times. Before he even raises his knee to release stingrays, jump and freeze him. This can be easily achieved in 1-2 tries. Dont ever let him release and stingrays, b/c with buster, it only shoots vertically, stingrays would just move below your charged shot, unaffected. If you use your ice skill, there is a delay and it will not last long. The most with ice skill, you could only kill around 3 stingrays, the other 2 would be a pain in the ass. If successful freezing him a couple of times, with him not being able to release anything, he will reached 1/2 hp.
1. Same thing, 1/2 hp and jet stingray will use his second skill. Make use of the tiny gap i mentioned above, and freeze him when he is just directly beside you.
2. When reached yellow hp, 3rd skill unleashed. Dash back and forth like i mentioned above, then he will returned to shooting stingrays. Freeze him when you had the chance, and he will be defeated. Easy and cheap technique. X will then learn a ground hunter skill.

Next up, Slash Beast. Fast and furious, anything that he cuts will cannot be mended back again. A decent challenge i would say, but still he has his attack patterns. Figured it out, he would be a easy boss to kill. Weakness = ground hunter
For zero,
When starting battle, the first thing slash beast will do is roar, so its your chance to do land some decent damage on him. He will then either jump to the other side and do a twin slash or jump and aiming to stomp on you.
1. He will normally jump to one end and do a twin slash ,so when seeing that he is isolating you, get prepared. Twin slash can be very easy to dodge. When seeing slashes approaching, just dash through. Slashes will just pass above you. Then after that, he will roar again, so its your turn to do damage on him.
2. The stomping can also be easily dodged. When seeing him coming down at you, just dash away and land 1-2 hits on him. His attacks pattern will be the same till he reached yellow hp.
3. There are times when u see him staying on 1 spot (claws pink color) like as if he is charging something. That would be probably that he trying to do twin slash twice. Nothing too serious.
4. When he is yellow hp, he will begin to use his final skill where he is able to dash from 1 end to other with his piercing attack. No fear, this can be dodge by just jumping. He will have a lot of openings throughout, so killing him would not be much a problem even though you might eat some damage. After that, you will gained a swift-slash skill.
For X,
X would have gotten ground hunter before fighting slash beast. When battle started, shoot 1 time and slash beast will fall. When he get back up, he will charge towards you with his piercing attack, just jump to dodge it, then shoot again. Just keep repeating this, slash beast will get owned badly. After that, you will gained the twin slasher skill.
Ok, i am done with the first 4 bosses. I will talk about the next 4 in my next post.
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