Megaman X4 boss guides 2 (SPOILER ALERT)
Carrying on from my previous post, i will continue to do the rest of the 4 maverick leaders here. Some of you might wonder, what about colonel and the rest? I will do them sometime later, maybe after a few of my anime reviews. Without guides for colonel and the rest, providing guides for the 8 maverick leaders only arent going to help you clear the game. So dont worry guys, be patient, i will try my best to update as fast as possible. Anyway, lets get going!

Next boss on the list, Web Spider. He moves in a way where he would descend down and shoot a electric web at you. I would say his movements are limited since he is a spider after all, only moving vertically. Pattern way too easy to figure out during first 1/2 battle, second 1/2 battle no pattern. Poses a greater challenge than the previous 4 i mentioned. His movements are highly dependant on the strand of web that connects his ass with the leaf canopy above him. I would say that it is his most vulnerable area. Weakness = twin slasher
For zero,
The skill previously learnt from defeating slash beast is totally useless against web spider. Web spider is seen mostly hanging himself in air, so slash beast skill wont work. Slash beast skill only works on ground. So i would say defeating web spider bascially tests how smooth are you with the controls of zero's movement. When starting battle, get to the center of the map. Web spider would then move up to hide in his leaf canopy. Web spider's appearance is random, so there is no pattern of his apperance. Dont go jumping around before he appear, him dropping down anytime may hit you while jumping.
1. His first of all attacks, are dropping down and shooting electric webs at you. Dont underestimate this webs, they will follow you. Once touched, you will get stunned and eating damage. To make things worse, web spider make used of the time your being stunned and descends down on you, causing you to eat damage. This is serious damage done, so dont let your guard down. But dont worry, you can make use of walls and dash-jump off it to dodge these webs. Jet stingray's skill previously learnt can also be useful in dodging these webs. Chances of attacking during this phase, there are 2. Right before he shoot a web, jump-slash him 1 time. After dodging the web, slash him another time right before he goes back up to the canopy. This will continue till he is about 1/2 hp.
2. Once web spider hp reached around 1/2, you will notcied some leaves dropping slowly from the center above. He will then come down and form a large electric web which takes up 3/5 of the space available. Any contact with this large web is nothing, you wont get shocked by it. What you need to prepare for is when he shoots 4 tiny spiders from his ass, these spiders crawl on the ground then up the walls, 2 on each side. Kinda dangerous though. However this spiders can be eliminated when it is still in the air. Noticed these small spiders released, do a ryuenjin and they will be destroyed. After that, web spider will shoot 1-2 electric webs, so just be cautious and dont be caught by it. Attack while you have the chance, web spider will be defeated. After that, you will learn a electric pierce skill.
For X,
You would have gotten twin slasher from slash beast. When starting the battle, noticing him coming down, faster jump to any walls, as high as possible, then aim for his strand of web. Once hit, web spider will fall to the ground like humpty dumpty. Keep doing that till he change skills. However, if you are so unlucky, trying to shoot his web strand and fail a couple of times (that happens to me too). No fear, there is still another alternative way. Use buster mode instead when starting the battle, charge and shoot when you see openings, making use of walls/dash-jump/jump-dash to dodge his webs.
1. When spider uses big web skill, shoot your remaining twin slashes at him and qiuckly change to buster mode. Charge and shoot when you see openings. For his 4-spiders released, jump as high as possible on wall, seeing small spiders are already moving up the wall, jump down. Try to prevent any contact with small spiders and web spider. Careless moves might cause you to eat some damage, but you will still be alive and web spider will be defeated by then. Then after that you will learn the electric web-shooting skill.

Next up, Split mushroom. A humpty-dumpty lookable, just that he is a mushroom. He is quick, agile and bounch around alot and also having the power to create illusions. Attacking while he is bouncing around is just asking for yourself to be killed. Attack patterns are confusing at the start but clear later on. So defeating him i would say is easy. Weakness = electricity
For zero,
Once battle started, split mushroom would jump to the other side of wall and clinch on it. While doing that, he will produced 8-10 rainbow coloured illusions. While he is doing that, you can jump slash him, while having no contact with his illusions. Slash about 2-3 times, then keep a distance from the illusions. Illusions would then spin toward's you. You would not know how to dodge it at first as it spins towards's your direction. Just be calm, keep a distance, when seeing 1 illusion approaching, just jump. The 2nd one will then naturally spin above your head. Then see another illusion spinning horizontally at you, jump again. The next illusion will again spin above your head. Its like a pattern, so actually it is very easy to dodge.
1. When noticed spilt mushroom ever landed on the ground, just do web spider's skill, electric pierce, He will get shock and then jump up, and start spinning at the center on the air above you. Once seeing him doing that, shiny powder like sleeping powder starts descending (dont worry, its nothing serious)
2. When shiny powder descends, he will split into 2 and jump down, one on each end. One of them is his real form, the other is just a illusion. When seeing him splits and falling down, take a clear look at the 2 of them while they are still in the air. One of them will be slightly invisible (only a blind man cant spot the difference). That is the fake one. So when 2 of them landed, use electric pierce on the real one, that will give him a shock. The 2 will exchange positions by jumping, so just electric pierce the other direction.
3. His patterns are simple, simply only 2 different attacks. So killing him would be easy. After that, you would learn spinning slash (when zero jumps and slash, he will naturally do a spinning slash, way cooler!).
For X,
You would have learn web-shooting after defeating web spider. When starting battle,he will jump on the opposite wall, jump-shot him with web before he even released any rainbow illusions. He will be shock, then he will jump the other side of wall, shoot him again before he releases anything. When he decided to use his 2nd skill, use your eyes to differentiate between the real and the fake. Shoot the real one when he landed on ground. He would be dead easily, another cheap technique! You will then learned a skill where you are able to summon a rainbow illusion in front of you.

Next up, Cyber Peacock. The only one among the 8 leaders that can teleport. Unpredictable moves, basically no attack patterns at all, do what she deems is right. Her skills are pain as fuck. The hardest boss among the 8 leaders i would say. Provides more than a decent challenge. Weakness = illusions
For zero,
On of the hardest boss zero ever faced. All skills learnt previously has no significant effect on cyber peacock. It all depends on zero reflex and normal attacks. I would say i need a few tries in order to figure out her small pattern of appearance. When battle starts, cyber peacock will disappear. Zero must be constanly moving and jumping around. But i did not jump and clinch on walls (this is personal preference). Cyber peacock will try to appear as close to you as possbile.
1. First attack of cyber peacock, appearing and dive upwards with rainbow wings. If you are constantly moving, this attack should not hit you. If you are fast enough, after dodging, jump back and lend a slash before she disappears again. Before doing this, she will mostly appear close behind you (this is based on my observation). So if you are more confirmed with your own observation, then do as you deem fit.
2. Second attack of cyber peacock, appearing mostly directly in front of you, or near the walls (own observation). She will squat down and do a big wave of power pierce all around her with wings, this can be dodge by dash-jumping away. Careless and undecisive moves will cause you to eat her damage. Try to attack her again right before she disappears. There are times when she just appears for 2-3 seconds and disappear again, to mindfucked you i guessed.
3. Last attack of cyber peacock, appearing at either side, floating in mid air. She will put a aim on you, this is the only time where she stays at 1 point without moving for 10-15 seconds. So i would say it is your best time to do the most damage. She will shoot cyber-following arrows at you, may be hard to dodge at first, but with practise on. jumps and dashes, dodging it should be easy. An easy technique during this moment is making use of the walls. When arrow follows you, climb on wall, dash-jump towards peacock, over the arrow and land a hit on peacock. Arrow will be gone behind you (only effective for 4-6 seconds. She will shoot about 5 arrows, so i would say you can land 5 hits on peacock if everything goes well. It will take a while and peacock will be defeated. Dont be hasty, be patient, peacock arent easy. The skill learnt after defeating peacock would be releasing 5 shots spreading around you when skill is execute.
For X,
X killing peacock is very easy. When starting battle, activate illusion skill, a rainbow illusion will be in front of you. Just keep walking from one end to the other end, peacock will either appear behind or infront of you. Just turn according the direction where peacock is. One illusion should be able to disassemble cyber peacock twice. Once on illusion goes out, on it again. Keep doing that, peacock is yours to owned. The skill learnt would be horizontal range-aiming and shooting.

Next up, Storm Owl. The only one among the 8 leaders capable of flying around the whole screen. Unpredictable moves as well, lesser chances to attack her since she is ariel. The 2nd hardest boss among the 8 leaders, with cyber peacock as 1st (self-opinion). Weakness = cyber shock
For zero,
You would already have learn cyber burst skill from defeating cyber peacock. When starting battle, dont use cyber burst yet, leave it for later. Storm owl would then be seen flying around, in and out of the screen. Once owl is visible within the map range, he will be doing a feet grab on you. When seeing him approaching, just dash away. He will miss his grab, and it is now your chance to land a hit since he is near the ground. His movement is random, so dont let your guard down.
1. His 2nd attack, shooting cyclone balls at you. To my observation, when he is going to do that, he will always appear the near you, which i would is when you are on ground, he will appear near ground. When you are on the top platform, he will appear near it. These cyclones balls can be easily dodged by jumping, land a hit on owl before he flys away.
2. His 3rd attack, finger laers. This can be hard to dodge, but not impossible to dodge. He shoots 3 lines of finger lasers, with space intervals between them. By making use of the top platform, clinch at the side of it, you may just be in these space intervals, not being damaged by the finger lasers. However, i would say it is not easy to do that. There is a simpler way, since owl will only shoot finger lasers at one end when he is on ground or in air. When he shoots from air, faster dash directly below him, that is the blind spot of owl, so finger lasers will not reach you. When he shoots from ground, faster dash-jump to top platform and stand at a position that the finger lasers cant reached you (In order to do this, you must be fast). The easiest method would be using peacock skill right before he releases these lasers, he will get shock and fly away.
3. When owl is about yellow life, he will use his last skill, which is moving to the center of the screen and releasing countless cyclone balls. This can be very easy to dodge, since he released countless cyclone balls only up, down, left, right (vertically and horizontally). All you have to do is to stand in between this attacks and wait for owl to be done with his skill. If you still have remaining peacock skill, just use it when owl appears. If no more peacock skill left, then jut land a few more slashes at right times, storm owl should be dead. After defeating owl, you will learn a skill that enhances your attacks.
For X,
Switch to peacock skill before battle starts. When seeing storm owl appears, take control of your aim, targeted owl and just push the attack button. He will get shock and fly away. Just keep doing that till the battle ends, easy fight though. After that you will learn double cyclone.
Ok, i am done with the guides of the 8 maverick leaders. Megaman X is cheap in fighting these 8, while zero requires skills in certain battles. Hope my guides are useful to you guys.
Have a nice day !

Next boss on the list, Web Spider. He moves in a way where he would descend down and shoot a electric web at you. I would say his movements are limited since he is a spider after all, only moving vertically. Pattern way too easy to figure out during first 1/2 battle, second 1/2 battle no pattern. Poses a greater challenge than the previous 4 i mentioned. His movements are highly dependant on the strand of web that connects his ass with the leaf canopy above him. I would say that it is his most vulnerable area. Weakness = twin slasher
For zero,
The skill previously learnt from defeating slash beast is totally useless against web spider. Web spider is seen mostly hanging himself in air, so slash beast skill wont work. Slash beast skill only works on ground. So i would say defeating web spider bascially tests how smooth are you with the controls of zero's movement. When starting battle, get to the center of the map. Web spider would then move up to hide in his leaf canopy. Web spider's appearance is random, so there is no pattern of his apperance. Dont go jumping around before he appear, him dropping down anytime may hit you while jumping.
1. His first of all attacks, are dropping down and shooting electric webs at you. Dont underestimate this webs, they will follow you. Once touched, you will get stunned and eating damage. To make things worse, web spider make used of the time your being stunned and descends down on you, causing you to eat damage. This is serious damage done, so dont let your guard down. But dont worry, you can make use of walls and dash-jump off it to dodge these webs. Jet stingray's skill previously learnt can also be useful in dodging these webs. Chances of attacking during this phase, there are 2. Right before he shoot a web, jump-slash him 1 time. After dodging the web, slash him another time right before he goes back up to the canopy. This will continue till he is about 1/2 hp.
2. Once web spider hp reached around 1/2, you will notcied some leaves dropping slowly from the center above. He will then come down and form a large electric web which takes up 3/5 of the space available. Any contact with this large web is nothing, you wont get shocked by it. What you need to prepare for is when he shoots 4 tiny spiders from his ass, these spiders crawl on the ground then up the walls, 2 on each side. Kinda dangerous though. However this spiders can be eliminated when it is still in the air. Noticed these small spiders released, do a ryuenjin and they will be destroyed. After that, web spider will shoot 1-2 electric webs, so just be cautious and dont be caught by it. Attack while you have the chance, web spider will be defeated. After that, you will learn a electric pierce skill.
For X,
You would have gotten twin slasher from slash beast. When starting the battle, noticing him coming down, faster jump to any walls, as high as possible, then aim for his strand of web. Once hit, web spider will fall to the ground like humpty dumpty. Keep doing that till he change skills. However, if you are so unlucky, trying to shoot his web strand and fail a couple of times (that happens to me too). No fear, there is still another alternative way. Use buster mode instead when starting the battle, charge and shoot when you see openings, making use of walls/dash-jump/jump-dash to dodge his webs.
1. When spider uses big web skill, shoot your remaining twin slashes at him and qiuckly change to buster mode. Charge and shoot when you see openings. For his 4-spiders released, jump as high as possible on wall, seeing small spiders are already moving up the wall, jump down. Try to prevent any contact with small spiders and web spider. Careless moves might cause you to eat some damage, but you will still be alive and web spider will be defeated by then. Then after that you will learn the electric web-shooting skill.

Next up, Split mushroom. A humpty-dumpty lookable, just that he is a mushroom. He is quick, agile and bounch around alot and also having the power to create illusions. Attacking while he is bouncing around is just asking for yourself to be killed. Attack patterns are confusing at the start but clear later on. So defeating him i would say is easy. Weakness = electricity
For zero,
Once battle started, split mushroom would jump to the other side of wall and clinch on it. While doing that, he will produced 8-10 rainbow coloured illusions. While he is doing that, you can jump slash him, while having no contact with his illusions. Slash about 2-3 times, then keep a distance from the illusions. Illusions would then spin toward's you. You would not know how to dodge it at first as it spins towards's your direction. Just be calm, keep a distance, when seeing 1 illusion approaching, just jump. The 2nd one will then naturally spin above your head. Then see another illusion spinning horizontally at you, jump again. The next illusion will again spin above your head. Its like a pattern, so actually it is very easy to dodge.
1. When noticed spilt mushroom ever landed on the ground, just do web spider's skill, electric pierce, He will get shock and then jump up, and start spinning at the center on the air above you. Once seeing him doing that, shiny powder like sleeping powder starts descending (dont worry, its nothing serious)
2. When shiny powder descends, he will split into 2 and jump down, one on each end. One of them is his real form, the other is just a illusion. When seeing him splits and falling down, take a clear look at the 2 of them while they are still in the air. One of them will be slightly invisible (only a blind man cant spot the difference). That is the fake one. So when 2 of them landed, use electric pierce on the real one, that will give him a shock. The 2 will exchange positions by jumping, so just electric pierce the other direction.
3. His patterns are simple, simply only 2 different attacks. So killing him would be easy. After that, you would learn spinning slash (when zero jumps and slash, he will naturally do a spinning slash, way cooler!).
For X,
You would have learn web-shooting after defeating web spider. When starting battle,he will jump on the opposite wall, jump-shot him with web before he even released any rainbow illusions. He will be shock, then he will jump the other side of wall, shoot him again before he releases anything. When he decided to use his 2nd skill, use your eyes to differentiate between the real and the fake. Shoot the real one when he landed on ground. He would be dead easily, another cheap technique! You will then learned a skill where you are able to summon a rainbow illusion in front of you.

Next up, Cyber Peacock. The only one among the 8 leaders that can teleport. Unpredictable moves, basically no attack patterns at all, do what she deems is right. Her skills are pain as fuck. The hardest boss among the 8 leaders i would say. Provides more than a decent challenge. Weakness = illusions
For zero,
On of the hardest boss zero ever faced. All skills learnt previously has no significant effect on cyber peacock. It all depends on zero reflex and normal attacks. I would say i need a few tries in order to figure out her small pattern of appearance. When battle starts, cyber peacock will disappear. Zero must be constanly moving and jumping around. But i did not jump and clinch on walls (this is personal preference). Cyber peacock will try to appear as close to you as possbile.
1. First attack of cyber peacock, appearing and dive upwards with rainbow wings. If you are constantly moving, this attack should not hit you. If you are fast enough, after dodging, jump back and lend a slash before she disappears again. Before doing this, she will mostly appear close behind you (this is based on my observation). So if you are more confirmed with your own observation, then do as you deem fit.
2. Second attack of cyber peacock, appearing mostly directly in front of you, or near the walls (own observation). She will squat down and do a big wave of power pierce all around her with wings, this can be dodge by dash-jumping away. Careless and undecisive moves will cause you to eat her damage. Try to attack her again right before she disappears. There are times when she just appears for 2-3 seconds and disappear again, to mindfucked you i guessed.
3. Last attack of cyber peacock, appearing at either side, floating in mid air. She will put a aim on you, this is the only time where she stays at 1 point without moving for 10-15 seconds. So i would say it is your best time to do the most damage. She will shoot cyber-following arrows at you, may be hard to dodge at first, but with practise on. jumps and dashes, dodging it should be easy. An easy technique during this moment is making use of the walls. When arrow follows you, climb on wall, dash-jump towards peacock, over the arrow and land a hit on peacock. Arrow will be gone behind you (only effective for 4-6 seconds. She will shoot about 5 arrows, so i would say you can land 5 hits on peacock if everything goes well. It will take a while and peacock will be defeated. Dont be hasty, be patient, peacock arent easy. The skill learnt after defeating peacock would be releasing 5 shots spreading around you when skill is execute.
For X,
X killing peacock is very easy. When starting battle, activate illusion skill, a rainbow illusion will be in front of you. Just keep walking from one end to the other end, peacock will either appear behind or infront of you. Just turn according the direction where peacock is. One illusion should be able to disassemble cyber peacock twice. Once on illusion goes out, on it again. Keep doing that, peacock is yours to owned. The skill learnt would be horizontal range-aiming and shooting.

Next up, Storm Owl. The only one among the 8 leaders capable of flying around the whole screen. Unpredictable moves as well, lesser chances to attack her since she is ariel. The 2nd hardest boss among the 8 leaders, with cyber peacock as 1st (self-opinion). Weakness = cyber shock
For zero,
You would already have learn cyber burst skill from defeating cyber peacock. When starting battle, dont use cyber burst yet, leave it for later. Storm owl would then be seen flying around, in and out of the screen. Once owl is visible within the map range, he will be doing a feet grab on you. When seeing him approaching, just dash away. He will miss his grab, and it is now your chance to land a hit since he is near the ground. His movement is random, so dont let your guard down.
1. His 2nd attack, shooting cyclone balls at you. To my observation, when he is going to do that, he will always appear the near you, which i would is when you are on ground, he will appear near ground. When you are on the top platform, he will appear near it. These cyclones balls can be easily dodged by jumping, land a hit on owl before he flys away.
2. His 3rd attack, finger laers. This can be hard to dodge, but not impossible to dodge. He shoots 3 lines of finger lasers, with space intervals between them. By making use of the top platform, clinch at the side of it, you may just be in these space intervals, not being damaged by the finger lasers. However, i would say it is not easy to do that. There is a simpler way, since owl will only shoot finger lasers at one end when he is on ground or in air. When he shoots from air, faster dash directly below him, that is the blind spot of owl, so finger lasers will not reach you. When he shoots from ground, faster dash-jump to top platform and stand at a position that the finger lasers cant reached you (In order to do this, you must be fast). The easiest method would be using peacock skill right before he releases these lasers, he will get shock and fly away.
3. When owl is about yellow life, he will use his last skill, which is moving to the center of the screen and releasing countless cyclone balls. This can be very easy to dodge, since he released countless cyclone balls only up, down, left, right (vertically and horizontally). All you have to do is to stand in between this attacks and wait for owl to be done with his skill. If you still have remaining peacock skill, just use it when owl appears. If no more peacock skill left, then jut land a few more slashes at right times, storm owl should be dead. After defeating owl, you will learn a skill that enhances your attacks.
For X,
Switch to peacock skill before battle starts. When seeing storm owl appears, take control of your aim, targeted owl and just push the attack button. He will get shock and fly away. Just keep doing that till the battle ends, easy fight though. After that you will learn double cyclone.
Ok, i am done with the guides of the 8 maverick leaders. Megaman X is cheap in fighting these 8, while zero requires skills in certain battles. Hope my guides are useful to you guys.
Have a nice day !
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