To aru majutsu no index
Sup! Ok this will be my first ever anime review. This would be the first anime i ever watched after the long break from watching naruto and bleach. Naruto and bleach bored the shit out of me, few hundreds or even thousands of episodes which would last anyone a lifetime just by watching it... OK, back to the topic, To aru majutsu no index is basically a excellent show, consisting of both action and comedy and maybe some 'pride' lesson to be learnt from the show.
Rating : 9/10
The story begins with the main character, touma who lives in academy city. Typically like any other schooling animes, he goes to school everyday. One day, he met a 'sister' named index. Thats when things get spiced up, as people preferably known as magicians comes after index for something that only she has. Throughout the anime, the story takes a twist when a group of people from out of the city came to interferred with the affairs of academy city, and its all up to touma and hes fellow comrades to save the day. In the end, it all comes to a group of 'good guys' VS the group of 'bad guys', where science and magic cross paths.

Rating : 9/10
The story begins with the main character, touma who lives in academy city. Typically like any other schooling animes, he goes to school everyday. One day, he met a 'sister' named index. Thats when things get spiced up, as people preferably known as magicians comes after index for something that only she has. Throughout the anime, the story takes a twist when a group of people from out of the city came to interferred with the affairs of academy city, and its all up to touma and hes fellow comrades to save the day. In the end, it all comes to a group of 'good guys' VS the group of 'bad guys', where science and magic cross paths.

Touma, stubborn and somewhat dumb guy, possesses on his right hand the Imagine Breaker, an ability that negates any magic power. Hes full of 'pride' which causes most of the trouble to come after him. However, thats the catching point of why this anime is funny as hes dumbness comes in conjunction with index and other cool people. Besides the main story line, there are also other episodes where other people come in and do their part of their own story. Some episodes are also fillers where they just goof off and do their own stuff here and there. Great amount of action and comedy throughout!

Opening songs are PSI-missing and masterpiece. Both by Mami Kawada. When you first hear them, it might not appeal to you. Hear it a couple of times and u will start to like it and in the end, addicted to it. Thats what i am now!
PSI-missing full version
Masterpiece full version
PSI-missing mp3 download link
Masterpiece mp3 download link
PSI-missing mp3 download link
Masterpiece mp3 download link
Have a nice day!
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