Cosfest XI 2012
Sup guys! The earlier cosfest was over just a few months ago, here comes the 2nd cosfest of the year. I really did not expect cosfest XI to be held this early in july until a friend informed me about it. You anime fans out there would probably already know what this event is all about, so i will just cut straight to it. I took a good number of pictures and bought some stuff as remembrance of the event. Event's more or less the same, with people singing, cosplayers roaming and booths ongoing.

Gundam! Its always cool to see some mobile suits around. In february it was some mecha with wings. Now, gundam suits for a change! Something that me and most people will be familiar with during childhood times~
Lightling from ff 13-2. A couple of them actually, manages to take a photo of 1 of them. Maybe i am just not used to seeing her in armor, it still looks good anyway.
I almost mistaken her as makoto from blazblue since she have the similar hair and the squirrel tail. In fact, she is hideyoshi's summoned being. Just took a photo of her since she is solo posing~
Guy version of black rock shooter. He is probably the only one cosplaying as black rock shooter, so i guess i will settle with the guy version.
More cat girls. I am missing out alot on cat animes, maybe i just did not have any good impressions of cat animes. Still, these cat girls are definitely cute!
KARTHUS BRO!! League of legends is getting more and more love in cosplay, seeing him in the event was definitely a refreshing sight!
Shana baby! Not alot of shanas that day, of course i would not let go if i saw one. She is similar to shana in proportions, small and cute. Not a bad one indeed~
The main character of ff13 versus. A popular character in recent events, quite a common sight actually. Cant wait to play the game!
Ace and luffy epic scene. Its been like 600 episodes of 1 piece and its still ongoing, fans are definitely loving it due to consistent number of 1 piece cosplayers. Still, i personally think the show sucks~
More league of legends love, being ashe this time. Its definitely cool to see characters of the game in events like this, NEED MOAR LOVE~
Hitman reborn crew if i am not wrong. A large group indeed for a 200 episode anime with the manga still ongoing. Glad to still see some love for oldschool animes~
Heard from my friends that they were cosplayers of fairy tail. Its so far a great show from all that i have heard, cosplayers look great and cool. Good stuff!
MADOKA~ Something that i would expect to see on that day. These characters were so damn popular that you could see them in any anime-related events.
Miku with claws. Thats a first time for me, something different from the usual happy-go-lucky mikus. Sure look dangerous, beware~
Hmm looks like the the pink-haired vocaloid to me, kanase teto. Just making a wild guess here, still this is something worth taking!!
Miku and luka, yet something special. I am not really a big fan of vocaloids, but i got to say they sure did caught my eyes on this one~
This girl is pretty and she is sexy but i do not have a single clue of what she is cosplaying. Judging on the heart shape stuff on her costume, i guess its some cupid-love lame anime. I dont know man~
Someone from black lagoon. I remember always seeing black lagoon in my anime download site but did not download it. Oh well, i do know abit about the plot filled with female ruffians skilled with guns. That is a cool pose over there~
SABER ALTER BITCHES!!!!!! We have all seen lots of saber cosplayers, seeing a saber alter cosplay is a first for me! Nice~
I dont think shes miku. Not C.C either other than the hair. Some schoolgirl character i assume, something that i have not watched yet. Still, good cosplay~
I dont know who is he cosplaying, should be someone cool. His sword and costume makes him looks a highschool hero, not bad.
K-on! Hold a moment, but wheres ritsu!! Oh well she arent here, but these 4 are still fine. These girls arent a common sight in events, of course i have to take a photo since they are here!
The classic vocaloids all over again. I dont know what else to say as they are always all around. Good cosplays and lets move on~
Not one who watches fairy tail, i almost mistaken her as elizabeth from persona 3! She is really good at what she is doing, looks freaking cool with that costume and pose along with the silence expression on her face!! Just great~
Again something that i did not know about. Just took a photo since they look fancy with their hair and costumes. Not too sure from a game or anime~
Persona 4 people !! The anime ended not too long ago, persona4G out on vita, the 2D fighting game coming out on consoles in august. A blast indeed and seeing these cosplayers just excite things even further!!! Teddie and the big gay guy isnt here, which didnt really make the full team. Oh well, i am just glad to see fans of the franchise spreading the persona love. NEED MOAR LOVE~
Once again not a single clue who they might be. Traditional costumes and gadgets just confuses me, the only thing related that i can think of is DYNASTY WARRIORS, which i dont think they are.
Otonashi of angel beats. Sadly, the girls arent there. Oh well, its still cool to see some love from angel beats~
This kinda reminds me of taokaka! But i dont think she is cosplaying tao, probably some other cat anime. Good cosplay anyway~
Although i do not know who they are, this is a still a cool photo. They looks great in what they are cosplaying and put together makes it even better!
If i am not wrong, they are from fairy tail. Those saudi arabia feel put into anime, thats FAIRY TAIL!! Good cosplays~
This is one badass grim reaper! He arent getting much camera time just because he looks creepy. But his cosplay is actually really legit with that styrofoam scythe!!
Sasori and his puppet!! This was a cool one, other sasori's are always by themselves. This one is definitely ready for battle! Cant wait to see the initial sasori cosplay when he was still in his puppet shell.
SENA!!!!!!!! This one looks really good in fact, with the elegant feel to it along with her cosplay. I think she is the only one there from tomodachi no sukunai, yet to see kobato and yozora etc.
This looks cute, a tiny witch with the magic broom. Reminds me of those childhood fairy tales, anime-wise i have yet to see such cute witches~
China wolverine bro! My bet would be on dynasty warrior, not someone that i know. Oh well, anyone with claws looks OP. He aint an exception~
She was playing the guitar on the spot with a pinic set in front of her. It gives quite a peaceful setting which i thinks deserve a shot!
Hmmm, an exorcist show? Something i do not know of but the characters do looks not bad. Anyone by the chance know of this show, please tell me~
The catgirl is out on the field! Its really hard wanting her to focus on my camera as there are so many guys crowding in front of her. Catgirls sure are popular~
Looks like ff characters to me or maybe some jrpg characters. Definitely looks cool and of course i cant let a chance of photo pass by~
A bigger exorcist gang. They were attracting quite a crowd though, so i went in and took a photo. Not bad~
Hollow ichigo bros. I mean the inner hollow ichigo since he is wearing white and his zanbatou is white as well. He is someone i recognise, of course i would not miss him out!
Nurse miku! Once again be amazed with the endless variety of mikus the vocaloids world have, this one is definitely good. Cute cosplay~
The entire class of 13 students from ff type-0. They are definitely making me impatient as the eng version of the game still has no news. I got to say this is one flawless photo, all of them just looks perfect in it. Awesome~
Payday The Heist! They looked so much more troll in life than in game, definitely did not expect them to be there. It just feels great seeing people cosplay PAYDAY!
Hmm, grey riding hood? I dont know man but she just looks great in that cosplay, so i did take a photo of her.
Mix of villians bro! I can recognise sub-zero and hunter over here. I am not too sure about the rest though but they do look menacing! More mortal kombat or even dota characters!! LOL~
Already some familiar faces from naruto. Akatsuki members, deidara and sasori etc. It wasnt anything surprising as they always appear in any cosplay events. Snapped some shots of them~
Into the hall. I do not have a clue who they are, sexy girls and some mysterious cloak character. Little did i know they were guilty gear cosplayers, which kinds of reminds me of the news of an upcoming ps3 version of the game. Diehard fans indeed.Gundam! Its always cool to see some mobile suits around. In february it was some mecha with wings. Now, gundam suits for a change! Something that me and most people will be familiar with during childhood times~
Lightling from ff 13-2. A couple of them actually, manages to take a photo of 1 of them. Maybe i am just not used to seeing her in armor, it still looks good anyway.
Someone from god eater.Yet to play the game but do know that they always have those gigantic badass-looking swords with them. Quite a pose he have~
Catgirls with some napoleon mix? Not a clue about them, at least they look somewhat cool. So yeah, a photo for good~
Guilty crown! Probably my next anime after i am done with bakemonogatari. Heard that its a pretty badass anime, cant wait to watch it! Anyway, good cosplays over there~
How can we miss out vocaloids in any cosplay events!! A pretty-looking luka, one of the first few cosplayers that i see when i enter the hall. She looks great in that cosplay, well done indeed~
Sephiroth. The man with the 6ft long sword, quite rare to be seen in cosplay events. He is here this time, of course i would not miss a shot of him. Glad to see that he is still receiving some love from ff7 and ff dissidia~
Hohoho, this is one hell of a class! Summoned beings of baka test shoukanjuu!! Its really hard to spot their identities on first sight, the only obvious ones would just be voyeur and minami. But this is definitely a rare sight, so cheers to the beings~I almost mistaken her as makoto from blazblue since she have the similar hair and the squirrel tail. In fact, she is hideyoshi's summoned being. Just took a photo of her since she is solo posing~
Guy version of black rock shooter. He is probably the only one cosplaying as black rock shooter, so i guess i will settle with the guy version.
More cat girls. I am missing out alot on cat animes, maybe i just did not have any good impressions of cat animes. Still, these cat girls are definitely cute!
KARTHUS BRO!! League of legends is getting more and more love in cosplay, seeing him in the event was definitely a refreshing sight!
Shana baby! Not alot of shanas that day, of course i would not let go if i saw one. She is similar to shana in proportions, small and cute. Not a bad one indeed~
The main character of ff13 versus. A popular character in recent events, quite a common sight actually. Cant wait to play the game!
Ace and luffy epic scene. Its been like 600 episodes of 1 piece and its still ongoing, fans are definitely loving it due to consistent number of 1 piece cosplayers. Still, i personally think the show sucks~
More league of legends love, being ashe this time. Its definitely cool to see characters of the game in events like this, NEED MOAR LOVE~
Hitman reborn crew if i am not wrong. A large group indeed for a 200 episode anime with the manga still ongoing. Glad to still see some love for oldschool animes~
Heard from my friends that they were cosplayers of fairy tail. Its so far a great show from all that i have heard, cosplayers look great and cool. Good stuff!
MADOKA~ Something that i would expect to see on that day. These characters were so damn popular that you could see them in any anime-related events.
Miku with claws. Thats a first time for me, something different from the usual happy-go-lucky mikus. Sure look dangerous, beware~
Hmm looks like the the pink-haired vocaloid to me, kanase teto. Just making a wild guess here, still this is something worth taking!!
Miku and luka, yet something special. I am not really a big fan of vocaloids, but i got to say they sure did caught my eyes on this one~
This girl is pretty and she is sexy but i do not have a single clue of what she is cosplaying. Judging on the heart shape stuff on her costume, i guess its some cupid-love lame anime. I dont know man~
I have not watched any higurashi shows so i do not know who exactly is she. Definitely not someone you would want to get close to, SHES VIOLENT~
Clueless on this one. I think its a combination of cosplayers from 2 different animes or games which i did not know of. Good cosplay~
The napoleon gang is back again for more! A clearer view actually since its outdoors. I have my doubts whether they are from an anime or an jrpg, they still look great anyway!
Hmmmm, kuroshitsuji? maybe not. I do not really fancy butler shows, its just me. I took a photo since the girl has the cold feel of silence from her overall cosplay.
More love for vocaloids, something not to be missed out in cosfest! Miku, rin and female kaito? Again with the astounishing costumes, amazing~
AHRIIIIIIIIII~ League of legends favourite foxgirl. Not many LoL characters were seen during that day despite the many characters in the game. Oh well, still good effort!
I could not recognise anyone except the KEYBLADE! I only played khbbs, which was great. I was told they were from kingdom hearts 2. It was cool to even see kingdom hearts cosplayers, really like this!!
Sailor girl? I will just make a wild guess here that she is cosplaying a character from an jrpg, which looks like to me. Otherwise, it should be from an anime.
'Love is war' miku and kaito. They were attracting crowds of cameras so i just did jion in the crowd and took a shot out of it!Someone from black lagoon. I remember always seeing black lagoon in my anime download site but did not download it. Oh well, i do know abit about the plot filled with female ruffians skilled with guns. That is a cool pose over there~
SABER ALTER BITCHES!!!!!! We have all seen lots of saber cosplayers, seeing a saber alter cosplay is a first for me! Nice~
I dont think shes miku. Not C.C either other than the hair. Some schoolgirl character i assume, something that i have not watched yet. Still, good cosplay~
I dont know who is he cosplaying, should be someone cool. His sword and costume makes him looks a highschool hero, not bad.
K-on! Hold a moment, but wheres ritsu!! Oh well she arent here, but these 4 are still fine. These girls arent a common sight in events, of course i have to take a photo since they are here!
The classic vocaloids all over again. I dont know what else to say as they are always all around. Good cosplays and lets move on~
Not one who watches fairy tail, i almost mistaken her as elizabeth from persona 3! She is really good at what she is doing, looks freaking cool with that costume and pose along with the silence expression on her face!! Just great~
Again something that i did not know about. Just took a photo since they look fancy with their hair and costumes. Not too sure from a game or anime~
Persona 4 people !! The anime ended not too long ago, persona4G out on vita, the 2D fighting game coming out on consoles in august. A blast indeed and seeing these cosplayers just excite things even further!!! Teddie and the big gay guy isnt here, which didnt really make the full team. Oh well, i am just glad to see fans of the franchise spreading the persona love. NEED MOAR LOVE~
Once again not a single clue who they might be. Traditional costumes and gadgets just confuses me, the only thing related that i can think of is DYNASTY WARRIORS, which i dont think they are.
Otonashi of angel beats. Sadly, the girls arent there. Oh well, its still cool to see some love from angel beats~
This kinda reminds me of taokaka! But i dont think she is cosplaying tao, probably some other cat anime. Good cosplay anyway~
Although i do not know who they are, this is a still a cool photo. They looks great in what they are cosplaying and put together makes it even better!
If i am not wrong, they are from fairy tail. Those saudi arabia feel put into anime, thats FAIRY TAIL!! Good cosplays~
This is one badass grim reaper! He arent getting much camera time just because he looks creepy. But his cosplay is actually really legit with that styrofoam scythe!!
Sasori and his puppet!! This was a cool one, other sasori's are always by themselves. This one is definitely ready for battle! Cant wait to see the initial sasori cosplay when he was still in his puppet shell.
SENA!!!!!!!! This one looks really good in fact, with the elegant feel to it along with her cosplay. I think she is the only one there from tomodachi no sukunai, yet to see kobato and yozora etc.
This looks cute, a tiny witch with the magic broom. Reminds me of those childhood fairy tales, anime-wise i have yet to see such cute witches~
China wolverine bro! My bet would be on dynasty warrior, not someone that i know. Oh well, anyone with claws looks OP. He aint an exception~
She was playing the guitar on the spot with a pinic set in front of her. It gives quite a peaceful setting which i thinks deserve a shot!
Hmmm, an exorcist show? Something i do not know of but the characters do looks not bad. Anyone by the chance know of this show, please tell me~
The catgirl is out on the field! Its really hard wanting her to focus on my camera as there are so many guys crowding in front of her. Catgirls sure are popular~
Looks like ff characters to me or maybe some jrpg characters. Definitely looks cool and of course i cant let a chance of photo pass by~
A bigger exorcist gang. They were attracting quite a crowd though, so i went in and took a photo. Not bad~
Hollow ichigo bros. I mean the inner hollow ichigo since he is wearing white and his zanbatou is white as well. He is someone i recognise, of course i would not miss him out!
Nurse miku! Once again be amazed with the endless variety of mikus the vocaloids world have, this one is definitely good. Cute cosplay~
The entire class of 13 students from ff type-0. They are definitely making me impatient as the eng version of the game still has no news. I got to say this is one flawless photo, all of them just looks perfect in it. Awesome~
Payday The Heist! They looked so much more troll in life than in game, definitely did not expect them to be there. It just feels great seeing people cosplay PAYDAY!
Hmm, grey riding hood? I dont know man but she just looks great in that cosplay, so i did take a photo of her.
Lady red devil, something that i definitely would not know. Soraka from league of legends? That would be pretty damn crazy LOL~
The people from one piece. They were here during feburary cosfest and here they are again. Just look at the crowd, i could barely take a shot if i did not tiptoe. Shitload of one piece fans~
Ahri and her catgirl companion. I really like the pose ahri has over here with the blue orb in her hand held so right in place! Not too sure about the one sitting down, but still good cosplays~
Rozen maiden i guess. Yet to watch the show of dolls, probably will give it the time once i am done with some of my major shows!
A character from fairy tale. She is seperated from her usual group for some solo photos so i took a photo as well~
Samurai girls or maybe just some japanese culture lovers. They were kind of seperated from the large crowd of cosplayers, glad to find them and so took a photo~
Madoka and her godly bow that would save the world! It was awesome to take a photo of her solo instead of her being in a group~
Once again, miku and her free range costumes. This one looks pretty good with that wedding costume along with her groom which also has green hair or whatsoever. Good cosplays~
Rikku of ff X-2. This is something rare as what we have usually seen are all just yuna's and no rikku. This rikku indeed looks good at what she is doing, keep it up!
How sad can i say that i dont know what is this all about! I know they are cosplaying characters of a fighting game, is it king of fighters?? I dont know man.
Inori from guilty crown! Been hearing so much on Inori and yet watching the show, i must be spoiling myself real bad. I swear guilty crown will be my NEXT anime!!Mix of villians bro! I can recognise sub-zero and hunter over here. I am not too sure about the rest though but they do look menacing! More mortal kombat or even dota characters!! LOL~
She looks really familiar to a character that i have watched before.......cant seem to remember. Still, i think she looks great in it with that pose~
Thats about it for that day. I did not attend the 2nd day due to schoolwork and stuff. This time there were more booths. Both sides of the hall were filled instead of just being on 1 side. There is the usual wall for drawing which is as occupied as expected.
Onto the things that i bought. A serah bookmark, so looking forward to play her in ff 13-2. A risette badge, love her presence in Persona 4: The animation. Lastly some character stickers from tomodachi sukunai, got kobato and yozora. Kobato being my favourite loli from the show, OWNED!!! This rounds up to about $7 which i think was fine.
I will end this post here, do look forward to my top 5 cosplayers of cosfest XI 2012, which is as usual for every anime-related event that i attend. Take care and good bye!
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