Ghostbusters: The Video Game

I have been finishing more games than animes in the past couple of weeks, just that i did not have the time to review it back then. Now is the time! Everyone should have at least heard of ghostbusters before, most likely watched its movie. The video game itself is released on almost every console available at that time, but today's topic will be on the psp(No multiplayer). The game was released in 2009.

My rating: 7.5/10
Gamespot's rating: 7.5/10
Estimated playtime: 8 hours +

Goods: Decent storyline, refreshing gameplay, interesting equipment modes, freedom of property destruction

Bads: Soft vocals, retarded AIs, irritating glitches, money earned in game cant be used!!!
The goods. Decent storyline. In the city of new york, ghosts existed and thus formed the ghostbusting team. At the start of the game, nothing was really explained about their origins and the ghosts existence etc. It begins off with the 4 leading ghostbusters already experienced in what they are doing, YOU are the new recruit to the team. Regular ghostbusting missions at first, it gets progressively better throughout. Plot holes getting filled and there surfaced the source of the increased paranomal activites in town.

Refreshing gameplay. This is probably the only game that actually have you fighting ghosts to protect the innocent london civilians. Does not sound amusing but as you get your hands on it, it is actually pretty fun. You get to go on missions, locating the lead ghost and capturing it. Capturing ghosts with the proton stream, laying ghost traps and maneuvering them into it was enjoyable. I have never played any game that actually works like this, it was something very different and indeed refreshing to play! It is just that sometimes, fights gets too easy as it can always be dealed with the same method without putting in much effort.
Interesting equipments modes. You are only given the proton stream at the start which is fun to use and flashy to watch. Other weapons like the shock blast and slime blower are unique, each having their own alternate firing modes. They could have freezing effects, able to launch slime balls that would explode within seconds etc. Lets not forget about the PKE meter as well. All these put together makes the game so much special compared to the regular!

Freedom of property destruction. This is definitely a plus point of the game, property destruction!! In every mission, you could go around destroying whatever is there. Bookshelfs, room lights, tables, chairs basically ANYTHING that is visible and guess what, you get paid for doing that. Its kind of stupid, you destroy government property and the mayor is paying you for that...... what the Fuck!?!? This may not be too enjoyable, but still these fulfills the tiny bits of joy in life!
The bads. Soft vocals. Especially for those who did not watch the movie, you would of course want to understand the game story. But you could barely catch the things they are talking because of the poor quality vocals. Its almost to the extent of just hearing mumblings, which is really a disappointment.

Retarded AIs. AIs that would practically stand on the spot and watch you die, when they have the ability to revive you but they didnt for whatever shit reasons. This is definitely something not surprising.

Irritating glitches. At one moment, your team was behind your back fully geared. 2 seconds later they were nowhere to be seen, leaving you all alone to clear up the mess when it was supposed to be a team mission. Getting stuck at corners, ghosts teleporting around when they are not supposed to etc. These need to be fixed!

Money earned in the game cant be used!! All the time spend destroying things and earning cash, so what is there to buy????? NOTHING. You cant buy/upgrade any shit, not anywhere accessible in the game. No aftergame features that is~
Ghostbusters fans would definitely love this game. The rest may give this game a go, like how i did. It isnt that all-over fantastic kind of game, perhaps just a game to chill before heading back to hardcore gaming. Its pretty cool actually, at least something out of the ordinary box!! Thats about it for this post.

Have a nice day!

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