DJmax black square
Hey fellows! I will be doing my first game review for this blog, DJmax black square. As u all might not know, DJmax is a music game created by pentavision. There are a number of songs in the game, created by korean/jap artists and DJs. Gameplay goes 'notes come down, tap controls on psp accordingly'. Sounds easy uh, but it is not as easy as you think. Try it and you will understand. I have spend a few years on the game, and i could say i am very familarize with it. Blame me for being cocky, as i will proclaim myself being good at it. There are other versions of DJmax on the psp other than black square, which are portable 1/2/3 and clazziquai. I have tried all of them except clazziquai, reason being friends told me its for beginners and songs are all those slow and soothing kind. Anyways let us get down to the main topic.
Gamefaqs rating : 9/10
My rating : 8.5/10
Good's : Sufficient number of songs of around 50. Unique styles, 4B FX is available. Song beats are intense, nice to hear/play. You will just love the feeling.
Bad's : Limited number of gears and notes. Speed goes all the way up to x7.0, like seriously!?!? Collection does not shows number of playcount for individual songs.

First, i will start on club tour. Black square possesses one of the most unique mode, which is the club tour. You have to clear stages, acquire gold and advance forward till you reach the end. I would say this process is very hard. There are 8 areas, each contain a number of songs, by clearing and meeting requirements of these songs, you passed and advance higher. Each area becomes more difficult than the previous, in the terms of harder songs and crazier requirerments. Crazy requirements i would mean x7.0 speed, x7 fever throughout and 100% accuracy. As you advance higher, your points increases which determines your rank. Gold is used in various requirements. Rewards are available if you reached certain stages, like unlockable songs. Club tour is difficult i would say, it would take tons of practise in freestyle mode in order to succeed in club tour. 'Tons', i would mean weeks and weeks of practise. So guys out there, please prepare to grind your fingers out!

Next up, arcade mode. 4B/5B/6B/4B FX/6B FX and freestyle modes are available. Various modes are used to unlock songs into freestyle modes, so as to able to play it anytime you like. Freestyle mode is where grinding takes place and number of songs played are recorded. Number of songs in freestyle mode increases as you keep playing, same goes to your grades and scores. Various settings are also unlocked like NOTE AUTO +5 and FEVER AUTO x5. Most of the stuff unlocked in black square depends upon playcount, so i advised you guys, just keep playing, for the unlockables! for the fun! FTW!!!

Next up, network battle. This is where players can come together and test their skills. Competitive mode, i would say, which determines either player is the better one through their skills. However, this only applies to people near you, i would mean few metres away from each other. For example, people from singapore and people from USA want to network battle, i guess you can forget about it, thats not possible.
Next up, collection.This shows your overall status and total playcount. Other stuff like play data, clubtour emblem, images and movies are also displayed. Images and movies are unlocked mainly by playcount, so its just a matter of time.
Next up, options and Link disk. Options is where you can change the settings that best suit your playing style. Link disk, i dont really understand this part though. I would say you have to buy the disk in order to link black square to clazziquai, so as to play clazziquai songs on black square.
Lastly, album. This is where all the songs unlocked can played like a mp3, mainly used for hearing it as music.

Personal status
Rank : Guest DJ
Points : 453
Gold : 40609
Clubtour area : Bulkasari
Total playcount : 1912 (14 june 2011)
Collection unlocked : 78%
Ok, i will be concluding this post with my opinions of the game. This game had been out in 2008 and of course i got it from my friend as soon as its out. Before that i had already been playing djmax portable 2 for awhile, so i would not face much difficulties in the game compared to other newbies. Other people said that this is the hardest djmax so far, i agree to that. Reason being, lvl 6 songs in black square is comparable to lvl 7-8 songs in portable 2. I would like to add 1 more point, black square is also one of the most fun djmax, given the fact that music and beats are awesome. It is challenging which in terms makes it more fun. I have unlocked every possible song in black square including hamsin and divine service, not to mention link disc, because i would never buy link disc. I have been playing from time to time, taking few months break in between which lead me until now. I am still playing it though and it still gives me the thrill. The most time i spend are on 6B, constanly breaking old records and making new ones. Thats what i have doing so far, and of course i am doing it for the fun! Music games never die!!!
DJmax black square trailer-
Have a nice day!
Gamefaqs rating : 9/10
My rating : 8.5/10
Good's : Sufficient number of songs of around 50. Unique styles, 4B FX is available. Song beats are intense, nice to hear/play. You will just love the feeling.
Bad's : Limited number of gears and notes. Speed goes all the way up to x7.0, like seriously!?!? Collection does not shows number of playcount for individual songs.

First, i will start on club tour. Black square possesses one of the most unique mode, which is the club tour. You have to clear stages, acquire gold and advance forward till you reach the end. I would say this process is very hard. There are 8 areas, each contain a number of songs, by clearing and meeting requirements of these songs, you passed and advance higher. Each area becomes more difficult than the previous, in the terms of harder songs and crazier requirerments. Crazy requirements i would mean x7.0 speed, x7 fever throughout and 100% accuracy. As you advance higher, your points increases which determines your rank. Gold is used in various requirements. Rewards are available if you reached certain stages, like unlockable songs. Club tour is difficult i would say, it would take tons of practise in freestyle mode in order to succeed in club tour. 'Tons', i would mean weeks and weeks of practise. So guys out there, please prepare to grind your fingers out!

Next up, arcade mode. 4B/5B/6B/4B FX/6B FX and freestyle modes are available. Various modes are used to unlock songs into freestyle modes, so as to able to play it anytime you like. Freestyle mode is where grinding takes place and number of songs played are recorded. Number of songs in freestyle mode increases as you keep playing, same goes to your grades and scores. Various settings are also unlocked like NOTE AUTO +5 and FEVER AUTO x5. Most of the stuff unlocked in black square depends upon playcount, so i advised you guys, just keep playing, for the unlockables! for the fun! FTW!!!

Next up, network battle. This is where players can come together and test their skills. Competitive mode, i would say, which determines either player is the better one through their skills. However, this only applies to people near you, i would mean few metres away from each other. For example, people from singapore and people from USA want to network battle, i guess you can forget about it, thats not possible.
Next up, collection.This shows your overall status and total playcount. Other stuff like play data, clubtour emblem, images and movies are also displayed. Images and movies are unlocked mainly by playcount, so its just a matter of time.
Next up, options and Link disk. Options is where you can change the settings that best suit your playing style. Link disk, i dont really understand this part though. I would say you have to buy the disk in order to link black square to clazziquai, so as to play clazziquai songs on black square.
Lastly, album. This is where all the songs unlocked can played like a mp3, mainly used for hearing it as music.

Personal status
Rank : Guest DJ
Points : 453
Gold : 40609
Clubtour area : Bulkasari
Total playcount : 1912 (14 june 2011)
Collection unlocked : 78%
Ok, i will be concluding this post with my opinions of the game. This game had been out in 2008 and of course i got it from my friend as soon as its out. Before that i had already been playing djmax portable 2 for awhile, so i would not face much difficulties in the game compared to other newbies. Other people said that this is the hardest djmax so far, i agree to that. Reason being, lvl 6 songs in black square is comparable to lvl 7-8 songs in portable 2. I would like to add 1 more point, black square is also one of the most fun djmax, given the fact that music and beats are awesome. It is challenging which in terms makes it more fun. I have unlocked every possible song in black square including hamsin and divine service, not to mention link disc, because i would never buy link disc. I have been playing from time to time, taking few months break in between which lead me until now. I am still playing it though and it still gives me the thrill. The most time i spend are on 6B, constanly breaking old records and making new ones. Thats what i have doing so far, and of course i am doing it for the fun! Music games never die!!!
DJmax black square trailer-
Have a nice day!
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