Megaman X4
Hi guys! 2nd game review for this blog. Megaman X4 is a very-very old game, released in 1997. Hardcore megaman fans should have play this game before, but i doubt you all remember much about it. As i said, it is a super old game, and till now, many other megaman series had been released, being better than the previous. This is the 4th game in the megaman X series developed by Capcom, those who had a PS2 would have experienced this game.
Brief introduction of the game, this game enables you to use either zero or megaman X, which story differs slightly depending on your choice. Zero and megaman act as Maverick hunters, hunting down Maverick leaders who pledge their loyalty to the Repliforce. Repliforce is seemed to be causing trouble, planning to take over the world, while zero/megaman X had to stopped it. In the end, someone else is the mastermind behind causing all these conflict between Repliforce and Maverick hunters, and zero/megaman X would have to deal with him. Sorry guys for my unclear explanation, but if you have played the game, cutscenes is provided to give you a much clearer idea of the whole story.
Gamefaqs rating : 8.3/10
My rating : 7.5/10
Goods : Presence of mini-bosses before main target. Clear cutscene that gives you a better understanding of the whole story. Game animations i would say its good. Certain unique stages (Jet stingray maps). Bonuses like weapon/armor upgrades are available.
Bads : Easy game once figured out patterns. Movements abit stiff. No upgrades for zero compared to megaman X.

When starting the game, whoever you choose, you still have to go pass the first 2 stages, which i would say its for you to test out movments/attacks and realize that monsters dropped Hp potions and mana balls when destroyed. But, it all depends on your luck for the dropping rate. Sky lagoon is your first stage, its easy, should not be a problem for starters. The 2nd stage is some broken city (not really sure what is it call), slightly harder than the 1st stage, requires more jumping/dashing. At the end of stage 2, you would fight your first boss, some metal dragon. Find its weak spot, constant attack then the boss should not be a problem. You would have a short chat with colonel after that (relating to story) and then teleported back to maverick hunter headquarters. Someone will be there to brief you about the 8 Maverick leaders. For Megaman X, its Double. For Zero, its colonel sister, Iris.

Each individual boss has it's pros and cons, once you figured it out, killing them would be much easier. Its up to your preference on who to start on first, in which can help you reach the end. For me, i would start on magma dragoon first, regardless using zero or megaman X. Once you have cleared a certain stage, you can replay that stage again, as many times as you like. Missing hearts and energy tanks are also available in these 8 stages, you can replay stages to obtain all these stuff which would help in later battles. Once you have cleared this 8 stages, obtained 8 new abilities, several individual battles will be awaiting you, one harder than the other. One of these individual battles required you to fight your own comrades. For megaman X, its double (his supreme form, not his fat form). For zero, its iris (Crystallize form). Its just how ironic, comrades became enemies, and thats 1 point why this game is great.

Ok, now i will conclude my opinions about this game. I play this game on the PC and PSP, which i would say PC controls are much more smooth in terms of movement, but in terms of skills it sucks. For PSP, its the opposite. I play this game like 1-2 months back on psp and 7-8 years back on PC. I cleared this game with both characters couple of times, so i would say this game is easy. Attack patterns of bosses are common, learn to dodge it, attack at the right time, this game is yours to owned. However, the final boss, Sigma (final form), is indeed a challenge, died 3-4 times fighting it, but still manage to overcome it.
This game is fun, you wont get bored playing it over and over again. I prefer to use zero though, pose a greater challenge and I,myself love melee, so i guess zero is the type of melee for me. Megaman X, i would say hes kinda broken in the game, the 8 maverick leaders are nothing once i follow the order of obtaining skills. What i mean is, magma dragoon skill is effective against frost walrus, frost walrus skill is effective against jet stingray, jet stingray skill is effective against slash beast etc. Zero is also broken in that sense, but not as broken as megaman X. When using zero, fighting slash beast/web spider/cyber peacock depends on fighting ability alone, so i guess zero is more fun. Story is great with various cutscene, gameplay is great, just that movement abit stiff but still playable. Save data and other stuff are all working well. For starters, i think this game is just the right action type for you, so just give it a try!
Have a nice day!
Brief introduction of the game, this game enables you to use either zero or megaman X, which story differs slightly depending on your choice. Zero and megaman act as Maverick hunters, hunting down Maverick leaders who pledge their loyalty to the Repliforce. Repliforce is seemed to be causing trouble, planning to take over the world, while zero/megaman X had to stopped it. In the end, someone else is the mastermind behind causing all these conflict between Repliforce and Maverick hunters, and zero/megaman X would have to deal with him. Sorry guys for my unclear explanation, but if you have played the game, cutscenes is provided to give you a much clearer idea of the whole story.
Gamefaqs rating : 8.3/10
My rating : 7.5/10
Goods : Presence of mini-bosses before main target. Clear cutscene that gives you a better understanding of the whole story. Game animations i would say its good. Certain unique stages (Jet stingray maps). Bonuses like weapon/armor upgrades are available.
Bads : Easy game once figured out patterns. Movements abit stiff. No upgrades for zero compared to megaman X.

When starting the game, whoever you choose, you still have to go pass the first 2 stages, which i would say its for you to test out movments/attacks and realize that monsters dropped Hp potions and mana balls when destroyed. But, it all depends on your luck for the dropping rate. Sky lagoon is your first stage, its easy, should not be a problem for starters. The 2nd stage is some broken city (not really sure what is it call), slightly harder than the 1st stage, requires more jumping/dashing. At the end of stage 2, you would fight your first boss, some metal dragon. Find its weak spot, constant attack then the boss should not be a problem. You would have a short chat with colonel after that (relating to story) and then teleported back to maverick hunter headquarters. Someone will be there to brief you about the 8 Maverick leaders. For Megaman X, its Double. For Zero, its colonel sister, Iris.

Each individual boss has it's pros and cons, once you figured it out, killing them would be much easier. Its up to your preference on who to start on first, in which can help you reach the end. For me, i would start on magma dragoon first, regardless using zero or megaman X. Once you have cleared a certain stage, you can replay that stage again, as many times as you like. Missing hearts and energy tanks are also available in these 8 stages, you can replay stages to obtain all these stuff which would help in later battles. Once you have cleared this 8 stages, obtained 8 new abilities, several individual battles will be awaiting you, one harder than the other. One of these individual battles required you to fight your own comrades. For megaman X, its double (his supreme form, not his fat form). For zero, its iris (Crystallize form). Its just how ironic, comrades became enemies, and thats 1 point why this game is great.

Ok, now i will conclude my opinions about this game. I play this game on the PC and PSP, which i would say PC controls are much more smooth in terms of movement, but in terms of skills it sucks. For PSP, its the opposite. I play this game like 1-2 months back on psp and 7-8 years back on PC. I cleared this game with both characters couple of times, so i would say this game is easy. Attack patterns of bosses are common, learn to dodge it, attack at the right time, this game is yours to owned. However, the final boss, Sigma (final form), is indeed a challenge, died 3-4 times fighting it, but still manage to overcome it.
This game is fun, you wont get bored playing it over and over again. I prefer to use zero though, pose a greater challenge and I,myself love melee, so i guess zero is the type of melee for me. Megaman X, i would say hes kinda broken in the game, the 8 maverick leaders are nothing once i follow the order of obtaining skills. What i mean is, magma dragoon skill is effective against frost walrus, frost walrus skill is effective against jet stingray, jet stingray skill is effective against slash beast etc. Zero is also broken in that sense, but not as broken as megaman X. When using zero, fighting slash beast/web spider/cyber peacock depends on fighting ability alone, so i guess zero is more fun. Story is great with various cutscene, gameplay is great, just that movement abit stiff but still playable. Save data and other stuff are all working well. For starters, i think this game is just the right action type for you, so just give it a try!
Have a nice day!
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